Palm mute on all barsGrad. fade inLet notes ring -----------------------------------------------------------------TrillUse natural harmonicsTrem. pickingUse tremolo picking on this partPalm mute-------------------------------------------------ThereisonlytomorrownothingbutsorrowwaitingforyouDon'tlookforanymysteryIt'sonlyhistorywe'repassingthroughThethreat from the eastgrowing stronger with each passing hourAll systems are failingandtalks with the west have turned sourleaders are waiting for blood on their hands.Playing with weaponsthey don't understand.Could it be this time we'llseethe end of theworldEach daybrings a newdangerlove is astrangerwe used toknowOutsidethe sun goeson risingbut we'rerealizingthere's not long togostorm clouds are formingtake held of the warning to comeThe Kremlin has told every nationthere's no place to run.