Lead Guitar: The parts done with wah pedal were
made by tonal comparison with the original song, you
can check it by yourself.
The guitar solo was made the same way, I made tonal
& notes comparison with the song played at half speed
(x0.5) so I think its the most accurate I could ever tab
XD but there could be some mistakes or notes missed
by the noise, i dunno, im a drummer, but as i said i
tabbed the solo the best i could, anyway, check it
along with the song, and I'll recieve any suggestions or
corrections to my mail. ^^
Keyboard: Its done pretty messy ^^" so, i offer my most
sincere apologies hehehe, I tabbed it by ear and
comparing with the song.... but as you can see, it wont
be 100% accurate, also there are some high pitched
notes i had to manage on myself to tab them, but in
any case, I hope it works at least to 'guide' how the
melodic part is on the song, so its pretty crucial on this
song, because it keeps the main part of the melody,
hope it helps ^^ (ps: i made up some weird effects, to
simulate them just as the song is ^^" i dont know how
they're made on a real keyboard but check them out)
Rhythm guitar: I made up this part by orientating myself
on another "kesenai tsumi" tab i found on the web, but
if you check the song, you'll see this guitar just gives
backup to the beat of the song, and goes along
covering the first guitar (this guitar is played by Nana
Kitade live:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20515nnPkBE, i
just transcripted it on my own way ^^)
Bass: I based on the same video as above
because in the studio(orignial) version, the bass almost
can't be heard, and it seems to play a "weird" line, so i
used the live version, it sounds better, its performed in
a better way, and i also added some octave variations,
very japanese-bassist style xD so check it out (ps:
during the bridge between chorus 1 slow and verse 2 I
orientated on the outro of the live of this song, linked
above, because on the live this part is skipped)
Drums: Ok..... here's the deal, I've also made up this
part based on the live
third time!xD) same reasons, cool performance, better
sounding, and also i made up some fills and variations
of my own, i think they sound great, if you dont like
'em, just play along the base rhythm, or mind your own
business with the drums line! I'm a drummer, I tabbed
the whole song, and it seems to be this part the best
hehehe ^^" it is tabbed to its best, so hope it works!
(ps: The outro part was orientated on the studio
version, its kind of a 'solo', listen t the song and you'll
As a final advice, for better performing and checking
your lines, its all on observing and what you can learn
watching the live, already linked three times xD.
Mistakes, suggestions or any commentary will be
recieved to legadomartin_619@hotmail.com (PLEASE
NOTE: send your mails with subject, because i delete
any spam or no subject mails)