Hey stran - ger, been a long while since I loved you or an- y- thing;
How the times have changed.
Dis-tor ted, a fi-gure set in trend, e-mo- tion-less,
And the words lose all their means.
(Good-bye, lost, a-lone and for-got-ten.)
Dis cour- aged might be the term you choose
when you look, look-ing for an ex-cuse.
My com- pa- ny had gone mute
since lis-'ning is-n't my strong-est suit.
I'm leav-ing you with this here, o-kay?
O-ver and out there, hon-ey
It's in the stars
and you're my ev- 'ry-thing from here to Ma - ars.
And ev-'ry word I say I tru- ly mean.
Dear dar- ling, I hope I'm be- ing clear
'cause there's no one like you on Earth
that can be my un-i-verse.
Un-der- stood, give me a se-cond chance,
I know I could be your bet- ter half.
It's in the stars
and you're my ev- 'ry-thing from here to Ma - ars.
And ev-'ry word I say I tru- ly mean.
Dear dar- ling, I hope I'm be- ing clear
'cause there's no one like you on Earth
that can be my un-i-verse.
Par-don me, I think I'm go-ing
out of my head and in-to the worst,
a world with-out your verse,
a world with-out your hurts.
Please, I'm sor-ry.
I will ne-ver let you go!
I will ne-ver let you go!
I will ne-ver let you go!
It's in the stars
and you're my ev- 'ry-thing from here to Ma - ars.
And ev-'ry word I say I tru- ly mean.
Dear dar- ling, I hope I'm be- ing clear
'cause there's no one like you on Earth
that can be my burn-ing star.
And you're my ev- 'ry-thing from here to Ma - ars.
And ev-'ry word I, and ev-'ry word I mean.
Dear dar- ling, I hope I'm be- ing clear
'cause there's no one like you on Earth
that can be my un-i-verse.