
标题:You Won't Change Me

艺人:Black Sabbath

专辑:Technical Ecstasy

作词:Black Sabbath

节拍:♩ = 44

和弦:Eb Ab F7 Cm G7 Bb

  1. Ozzy - 合成主音2(锯齿波) Lead 2 (sawtooth)
  2. Tony Rhythm - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  3. Tony Lead - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  4. Geezer - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  5. Synth - 合成人声 Synth Voice
  6. Tambourine - 敲击乐器
  7. Bill - 敲击乐器
标记:IntroVerse IChorus IVerse IIChorus IIBridge ISoloVerse IIIChorus IIIBride IIOutro Solo
歌曲: You Won't Change Me

I'm just a man _ and I am what I am _ yeah _ No bo dy will e ver change my ways I don't need mon ey and I don't need no lies _ yeah _ _ I on ly need to live for to day But I'd like to talk things ov er with you _ _ I want to hear the things that you say to day _ Al though you won't change me An _ y way. Oh, no way I wish you'd come and see me I'd like to hold _ you _ I want to see my mind all free You un der stand me, wo man you give me time _ yeah _ But I don't need _ no sym pa thy Still I won der what it's like to be loved _ _ In stead of hid ing in my self No bo dy will change me an _ y way, no, no way No bo dy's gon na change my world _ That's some thing too un real _ No bo dy will change _ the way _ I _ feel _ So lis ten to me now _ hear what I say _ yeah _ Please, give me time and may be love If there's a God up there, well I hope he helps _ me _ I need him now _ to set me free Cuz it may be that it's ov er for me _ _ If you don't hear the things that I say to day No bo dy will change me an _ y way, no, no way No bo dy's gon na change my world _ That's some thing too un real _ No bo dy will change _ the way _ I _ feel _
