标题:Lovesick For Mina
副标题:Tabbed By Shadow
艺人:Cradle Of Filth
作词:Cradle of Filth
shadow_one666@hotmail.com Completely tabbed by me
节拍:♩ = 185
和弦:Gm D#m Gsus4/A#
翻译 BY 莫 须 有 Evening minuetto in a castle by the sea 暮霭之舞曲,在濒海古堡中回旋 A jewel more radiant than the moon 闪耀一如月色的珠宝 Lowered Her mask to me 将她的面具印向我眼眸 The sublimest creature the Gods, full of fire 诸神锻世之炉火灰中诞生的万千宏伟造物 Would marvel at making their Queen 将会为他们的女王而惊诧 Infusing the air with Her fragrant desire 她芬芳的渴求,浸渍于空气 And my heart reeled with grave poetry.... 而她的心脏,随着阴郁葬歌而旋舞... From grace I fell in love with Her 优雅的,我同她共坠爱河 Scent and feline lure 沉郁与猫般的魅惑 And jade woodland eyes that ushered in the impurest 琥珀松林般的瞳孔,覆着不洁的瘟氲 "Erotic, laden fantasies amid this warm Autumn night "在暖秋之夜满载着污秽的幻觉 She lulled me away from the rich masquerade 她轻抚着将我从盛大的化妆舞会带走 And together we clung in the bloodletting moonlight" 我们在如血的夜色中拥紧彼此” Pearled luna, what spell didst thou cast on me? 佩珠的月神,你对我下了什么咒? Her icy kiss fervoured my neck 她冰冷的吻燃起我的脖颈 Like whispering waves 'pon Acheron's beach 仿佛黄泉怯怯低语波涛击岸 In a whirl of sweet voices and statues 恍若仙乐与石雕随我旋转 That phantomed the dying trees 枯木的倒影之下 This debauched seductress in black, took me.... 这黑衣包裹的荒淫的躯体,夺走我的生命... In a pale azured dawn like Ligeia reborn 蔚蓝澄澈的拂晓,如丽姬娅的重生 I tore free of my sleep - sepulchre 我从长眠中重获解脱-墓穴 On the sea misted lawn where stone figures, forlorn 在海边雾气笼罩的草坪,何处石雕孑然,我孤身一人 Lamented the spectre of Her 悲怆于她的噩兆 Bewildered and weak, yet with passion replete 困惑而虚弱,最终饱含激愤 I hungered for past overtures 我渴求的追寻一切的序曲 The curse of unrest and her ardent caress 不死的诅咒和她狂烈的爱抚 Came much more than my soul could endure.... 远超过我的灵魂所能承受.... I, at once endeavoured to see Her again 我曾竭力搜寻,只为再见她一面 Stirring from midnight's inertia 凡人倦怠的午夜,让我兴奋 Knowing not even her name 我甚至不曾知晓她的名字 On a thin precipice over carnal abyss 我徘徊在迷情深渊旁单薄的绝壁 I danced like a blind acolyte 我蹒跚一如盲目的男宠 Drunk on red wine, her dead lips on mine 我饮下腥红佳酿,她垂死的唇仿佛紧贴着我 Suffused with the perfume of night 夜的芬馥弥漫其中 For hours I scoured the surrounding grounds 我不惜时间寻访各处, In vain that we might meet 被邂逅你,这份奢梦驱策 When storm clouds broke, ashened, fatigued 当风云变幻,我面色惨淡,形容枯槁 I sought refuge in a cemeterty 在坟墓间寻找庇护 Sleep, usher dreams 沉睡,在梦中寻找慰藉 Taint to nightmares from a sunless nether 黯无天日的空虚中被梦魇困扰 Mistress of the dark 黑暗的女士 I now know what thou art 我现在才了解你是谁 Screams haunt my sleep 尖啸萦绕我的梦境 Dragged from nightmares thou hast wedwed together 从你黑暗婚礼的噩梦中惊醒 Lamia and Lemures 拉米亚和夜游的群魂 Spawned thee leche To snare my flesh 来诱陷我的血肉 Portrait of the Dead Countess --逝去女伯爵的肖像 Deep stained pain that I had dreamt 将痛楚深刻在我的梦中 Flaunted demise, life's punishment 众目睽睽之下的死亡,宿命的刑罚 Leaving little strength to seal this wretched tomb.... 我以微薄的余力为这个可怜可悲者的墓穴留下封印... But poised nectar within my stirs 精心搅匀这杯蜜汁 Up feverous desire and morbid purpose to search 这热病般的渴求和病态的意愿驱策着我 Through cobwebbed drapery to where she swoons 穿越蛛网般褶皱的绸缎,她昏厥其中 Goddess of the graveyard, of the tempest and moon 坟场的女神,主宰骤雨和皎月 In flawless fatal beauty her very visage compels 她的容颜毫无瑕疵,带着毁灭般的美感 Glimpses of a heaven where ghost companies fell 众魂为窥视她的容颜而从天堂跌落 To mourning the loss of god in blackest velvet 堕落的神灵,披上至黯的天鹅绒织就的寿衣 Enrobed in their downfall like a swift silhouette 如同转瞬即逝的剪影,在她的芳容中崩解 "Fleeting, enshadowed "阴霾转瞬即逝 Thou art privy to my sin 你的芳容包庇着我的罪恶 Secrets dead, wouldst thou inflict 隐秘的死亡,你是否愿强加于我 The cruel daylights upon my skin? 用日光残忍的灼烧我的肌肤? Dost thou not want to worship me 你难道不愿倾慕于我? With crimson sacrifice 与我同浴在这血腥的祭品中? So my cunt may twitch against thy kiss 我的阴户将在你的亲吻中抽搐 And weep with new-found life?" 而后为重获生命而缀泣?” Red roses for the Devil's whore.... 血红的玫瑰献给恶魔的娼妇.... Dark angels taste my tears 黑暗天使饱尝我的泪水 And whisper haunting requiems 而后泣不成声唱出这首弥撒 Softly to mine ear 在我听来温软如斯 Need-fires have lured abominations here.... 我所深恶痛绝的诱惑,急需天火涤荡.... Nocturnal pulse 夜之脉搏 My veins spill forth their waters 我撕开静脉,向幽冥的河流中洒下鲜血 Rent by lips I cherish most 最钟情于唇吻留下的裂开的伤口 Awash on her perfidious shores 堙没她背叛的岸岬 Where drowning umbra o'er the stars 群星坠落于影蚀的天际 Ebon's graves where lovers whore 虚无之墓埋葬着我钟情的娼妇 Like seraphim and Nahemah 仿佛六翼撒拉弗和nahemah(亚当的第三任妻子) "Nahemah" Pluck out mine eyes, hasten, attest 我愿剜出双目,迷狂的指证 Blind reason against thee, Enchantress 以盲目的理由对抗你,我沉殆的幻影... For I must know, art thou not death? 我只想知道,你是否芳踪已逝? My heart echoes bloodless and incensed.... 我的心因贫血而苍白,饱含怒火.... Doth temptation prowl night in vulvic revelry 诱惑在夜幕中潜伏,追猎着纵情的欢宴 Did not the Queen of Heaven come as Devil to me? 难道天堂的女王不曾如恶魔般临幸于我? On that fatal Hallow's Eve when we fled company 在毁灭降临的前夜我们携手逃离 As the music swept around us in the crisp, fated leaves 清脆的的乐音萦绕着我们,恍如宿命的落叶 UNder horned Diana where her bloodline was sewn 在如钩的月夜她将血脉缝在我的命运中 In a graveyard of Angels rent in cool marbled stone 在天使的墓碑之间,我借宿于大理石冰冷的石棺中 I am grieving the loss of life in sombre velvet 我在惨淡的丝绒灵床上哀悼逝去的生命 Enrobed in Death's shadow like a swifter 死亡的阴翳如绞套一般,被我穿戴在身 silhouette.... 如同无型之影....