Lyrics (Hungarian)
T醰oli keleten szent hit serege
J閦us nev閎en 醠d醩t oszt, nem k閞
Hittel a kegyelem, v韟zel a v閞,
B醨 m醩t mond a Szentbesz閐
Ne hidd, hogy 鰏szef閞.
Gy鮶n鰀 kell, kit閞ni f閘sz
Az 鷗r髄 mit megszabtak neked
El ne t閞j!
Indulj keresztes vit閦
Hagyd az 醠mod el
Hisz tudod a mes閠
Tan韙ott醟 r間en.
J鰆j, itt egy szent 黦y閞t
Most mindent megtehetsz
Csak a hited tarthat f閗en.
Borral 醠dja a buzg vil醙
A szent kereszt dics had醫.
T醰oli keleten a szent hit serege
S醦adt foly髃ba, v閞f鰈dre nem l閜,
羣kelni hegytet鮪, t鷏 lenni m鷏t id鮪
Sz鰇ni a m醔髄, nem hagy a t醰ol.
羖modban s鰐閠 a k閜
Kard helyett villognak szemek,
觱jon 間!
Lyrics (English)
In the distant East,army of holy faith
Gives bless and no demand in the name of Jesus
Faith with mercy,blood with water
Ignore what the Holy Speech says
Matches never
You have to win,afraid to dodge
From the way for you they've chosen,
Don't turn off
Let's go brave crusader
Throw your dreams away,
You surely know the tale,
The one you've been once taught
Come,for a holy aim,
You can do as you will,
The only bound is your faith
Praised with by all the zealous,
Sacerd army of the cross .. oh.
In the distant East,army of holy faith
Into pale lands and blood-run rivers won't step
Get across mountain's high,surpass your past and die
Escape from today,the distance won't let you
You see the dark in your dreams
Eyes aglow instead of blades
God save you!
Let's go brave crusader
Throw your dreams away,
You surely know the tale,
The one you've been once taught
Come,for a holy aim,
You can do as you will,
The only bound is your faith
Praised with by all the zealous,
Sacerd army of the cross .. oh.