There's a few artistic liberties in this tab.
To make the guitar sound fatter, I've tabbed this on a
7-string, tuned to ADGCFAd (Drop down 1 whole note)
There is no real info on what/how this is player [with],
but it seems to be rooted in an A. Now, as an A on a
standard tuned guitar sounds to thin for this kind of
track, I decided to go with the 7-string and drop the
Several tracks use octaves (where there might not
supposed to be), again to fatten the sound (this
includes some bass, vocals, synthsound)
The 'Dubstep'-part of the guitar-section is, well,
extremely difficult to even get close to in midi-format,
so it's more of a "you-might-get-close-if-you-play-it-
You are going to need a Digitech Whammy in order to
even come close to the sound on this track.
If you want to do it even better, try getting a Kaoss Pad,
or a Manson Kaoss-type guitar ($$$).
You're sound also need to be heavily fuzz-infused,
regular distortion/overdrive won't cut it, as it's too
clean, not enough noise.
Don't bash me because the guitar sounds f...ed up, it's
more effects than notes (midi only does notes), try
instead to listen to all the other stuff, that's pretty neat ;)