This is one of the soundtracks in the video/PC game
called PUSHOVER (built in multiple versions between
1989 and 1993). For all the versions of the game (1989
- ATARI; 1993 - PC; after 1993 - enhanced MED
format), this is the soundtrack of the DUNGEON world
(levels from 77 to 87).
Why did I start rewriting these tracks? You can find
the answer in the notice I've sticked to the first
soundtrack, that is for the CASTLE world (GEIGER
BONES). This is the second file, and was quite alot
easier, because I already had some experience in
doing this.
If you have the first file, you should already know half
of this notice, so read just what is unfamiliar to you :)
I've used a Roland MT bank taken from an old reative
soundfont (4GMGSMT.SF2) and rendered the
instruments one by one. For the MT technology, quite
different from the General MIDI we all use nowadays,
the instruments are different and their order is different
(just take a look on the track names)... Eventually, I've
written the tabs.
There's a lot of people and software apps i want to
thank here (again and again):
-- DOSBOX 0.6, the DOS emulator that helped me
on recording the tracks from the MIDI out (I think there
are newer versions avilable, too)
-- Audio Compositor 4.4, my special soundfont editor...
-- Steinberg Wavelab 4.0, with which i've recorded,
repaired and optimised the tracks.
-- Amazing MIDI 1.6, with which i've transribed the
note dynamics for all tracks
-- I didn't use anymore AKoff Music Composer 2.0,
because this was an easy piece. However, that
software is good for noisy songs, but NEVER for swifty
-- I've given up Score Extractor, because it can play
you plenty of tricks if you decide to use it for things like
dynamics and velocities. It is still good for rewriting
vocal lines and bends, which can also be a great help.
But here I wanted to make something very similar to
the original tabs, that's why I don't use S.E anymore.
Thanks for your time if you were patient enough to
read this. The tabs should be (almost) perfect. Enjoy