I put the -1 octave parts in other guitar, for the effects, but Matt use a 7 strings guitar.
(if you can't hear it very well export it in .wav)
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Youtube Channel: Angel Fontenla Gago
RaceLife's a raceAnd I'm GonnaWinYes I'm GonnaI'll Light TheFuseAnd I'll NeverLoseAnd I Choose to SurViveWhatever ItTakesYou Won't Pull A-headI'll Keep Up ThePaceAnd I will RevealMy Strenth To The Whole HumanRaceYes I Am PreparedTo Stay AliveI Won't ForgiveVengeance IsMineAnd I Won't GiveInBecause I Choose ToThriveAnd I Am Going ToWinRaceIt's ARaceAnd I'm GonnaWinYes I'm GonnaAnd I will light TheFuseAnd I'll NeverLoseAnd I Choose to SurviveWhatever ItTakesYou Won't Pull AheadBecause I'll Keep Up ThePaceAnd I Will Reveal MyStrenthTo The Whole HumanRaceYes I'm GonnaWin yes i'm gona WIN!