
标题:Sunday Bloody Sunday

艺人:U2 (Edge)

专辑:The Best Of 1980-1990 & B-Sides

作词:The Edge

作曲:The Edge

制谱人:Martin Kacvinsky [ mkacvinsky@centrum.sk ]

指示:feedback: mkacvinsky@centrum.sk

This is a version of Sunday Bloody Sunday, that Edge 
plays on Popmart Tour. He play the guitar and so he 
sing the lead vocals it instead of Bono.

I think, that it is really nice version of Sunday Bloody 
Sunday, i like it, to play it on a acoustic guitar.

So, and something about Sunday Bloody Sunday in 
Czech language:

* Prvn a p鵹odn tzv. "Krvav ned靗e" se odehr醠a v 
Dublinu, kdy 
bylo 14 lid zabito britsk齧i policejn韒i odd韑y "Black 
and Tans", 
jako瀟o odpov祜 na pokus IRA, sp醕hat atent醫 na 
britsk vl醖y b靐em velikonoc roku 1916. Druh 
"Krvav n靌靗e" se 
odehr醠a 17. ledna 1972 v m靤t Derry, kdy bylo 
zabito 13 civilist? 
Stalo se tak p鴌 akci "V齭adk狲sk閔o pluku" na rozbit 
st醰ky za 
Ob鑑nsk pr醰a. V歟ch 13 ob靦 bylo p鴌tom 
neozbrojeno. Cel incident 
obklopuj r鵽n polemiky o tom, 瀍 britsk vy歟t鴒v醤 
v t閠o 
z醠e瀒tosti se sna瀒lo voj醟y ospravedlnit d鵹odem, 瀍 
(civilist? za鷗o鑙li jako prvn? p鴌鑕m h醶eli h鴈b韐ov 
Republik醤 dokonce tvrd? 瀍 "Krvav ned靗e" byla 
ide醠n韒 n醔orem 
do Irsk Republik醤sk Arm醖y.

节拍:♩ = 160

和弦:D Em G Bm D5

  1. The Edge - 尼龙弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar (nylon)
注释:I can't believe the news todayI can't closemy eyes and make it go awayHow long?How long must we sign this songHow long?How long ou ou ou oh...Tonight,we can be as one.Tonight,Broken bottlesunder children's feet.Boddies strewn acrossthe dead end street.But I won'theed the battlecall.It put'smy back up, puts my back up against the wall.Sunday bloody sundaySunday bloody sundaySunday bloody sundayAnd the battle just beginThere's many lost but tell me, who has won?Trenches dug within our heartsMother抯 children, brothers, sisters torn apart.Sunday bloodysundaySunday bloody sundayHow long?How long must we sing this song?How long?How long?How long?Tonightwe can be as oneTonightTonightTonightSundaybloody sunday
标记:riff 1riff 2riff 1riff 3 (Harmonics)riff 1riff 4riff 1
歌曲: Sunday Bloody Sunday
I can't believe the news today
Oh, I can't close my eyes And make it go away
How long... How long must we sing this song?
How long? How long... 'cause tonight...we can be as one Tonight...
Broken bottles under children's feet
Bodies strewn across the dead end street
But I won't heed the battle call
It puts my back up Puts my back up against the wall
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
And the battle's just begun
There's many lost, but tell me who has won
The trench is dug within our hearts
And mothers, children, brothers, sisters Torn apart
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
How long... How long must we sing this song?
How long? How long... 'cause tonight...we can be as one
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Wipe the tears from your eyes Wipe your tears away
Oh, wipe your tears away
Oh, wipe your tears away (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
Oh, wipe your blood shot eyes (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
Sunday, Bloody Sunday (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
Sunday, Bloody Sunday (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
And it's true we are immune
When fact is fiction and TV reality
And today the millions cry
We eat and drink while tomorrow they die
(Sunday, Bloody Sunday) The real battle just begun
To claim the victory Jesus won On...
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Sunday Bloody Sunday...