

副标题:a stratovarius-like theme, used for exercises




制谱人:impy4ever (impy4ever@yahoo.com)

1. (DIS)CLAIMER: this song ain't supposed to laugh 
about stratovarius and some of their funny 
instrumentation methods (e.g jari's bass lines, timo 
tolkki's solos, etc.). it may be some useful exercises for 
bands who'd like to play in a similar way to the one in 
which stratovarius play.
2. TECHNIQUE: it may look hard for a guitar and a 
keyboard to play the same thing (or even a bit 
different!). the trick is for both the guitarist and the 
keyboardist to have the same speed (tempo...). the 
tempo is given by the drummer. sure, you could tell him 
to play snare all the time instead of his drum line. that's 
for the warm up. after warming, tell the guy to play right 
his part, put yourselves together and try. if it looks 
hard, try a 80-90 tempo first, and then make it 100, 
110, 120,.. up to 160. 160 is quite enough...
3. TECHNIQUE: the drumline was written so that it 
may be playable even on a standard (room) drumset. 
that means you'll need: a bassdrum, its pedal, hihats, a 
snare, two toms (high and low), a floor tom and a crash 
cymbal. there may be difficulties with the bass drum... i 
don't know, replace the pairs of 16th notes with one 
8th. this way you'll have to succed! otherwise.. what 
kind of drummer would you be?
4. TECHNIQUE: the bass - hmm, stratovarius and 
many other metal bands have the habit of giving the 
bass a very simple line. i've tried by my tab a simple 
one and a 'walking' one (more difficult). the secret of a 
bassist is to be more careful to the guitar and keyboard 
(if he has a simple line) or less careful (if his piece is 
more difficult). he should know what rhythm to play 
(because he won't hear himself very well in all that 
noise!). i suggest him to play its part alone for many 
times, till he fills ready to play together.
5. IN THE END: good luck, enjoy and i hope i'll get no 
trouble with the real stratovarius guys...

节拍:♩ = 160

  1. timo - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  2. jens - 拨弦古钢琴 Harpsichord
  3. jari - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  4. jorg - 敲击乐器
注释:read notice 2timo tolkki-style solo!who can play this?and how about this?feedbackthis time, guitars first!read notice 1 and 5!read notice 2breathing moment...keyboards solo...(i'm not quite good at johansson's style)just thumb down the keysresting time!...zZz...boo!read notice 1 and 5!read notice 3.. and 2first, try it this wayand then, this waythe 'reverse cymbal' is quite a nasty effect...awakening!!!once again...read notice 1 and 5!read notice 4walking time...sometimes, stratovarius really use this run!single-handed! jari's stylesingle-handed! jari's stylefinger holydays!read notice 3read notice 3read notice 1 and 5!
标记:AA-duetA-trioA-rhytmic bassA-walking bassB-rhytmic gtrB-developmentB-pre-soloC-guitar solo ; )D-keyboards solo [...]A-breathA-calm drumsA-duet on a 3rdA-octave duetA-neverendout!