标题:Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids
艺人:Cradle Of Filth
专辑:Cruelty And The Beast
作词:Cradle Of Faith, Dani
作曲:Cradle Of Filth
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节拍:♩ = 150
译BY莫须有 残酷献汝予幽兰 Hear Me now! All crimes should be treasured if they bring thee pleasure somehow... 听吾言! 万千罪行皆为不可多得的宝藏只要它们带给你快感... Maleficent in dusky rose Gathered satin lapped Her breasts Like blood upon the snow A tourniquet of Topaz Glistened at Her throat Awakening, pulled from the tomb Her spirit freed eclipsed the moon That She outshone as a fallen star A regal ornament from a far flung nebular 玫瑰园暮霭中的巫女 双臂紧拢绸缎包裹她起伏的胸膛 恍如皑皑雪原上的血渍 镶满黄玉的止血带 在她的颈项前闪耀 她骤然苏醒,趋身离开墓冢 她无束的灵魂侵蚀皎月 她的身影远比陨星灿烂 那来自遥远星云矫饰的音符 Her likeness hung in the black gallery Commanding unease Demanding of Death to breathe... 她的肖像悬于暗影长廊 令我在忧虑中跪拜 如同濒死之人竭力维持呼吸... Midst the whirl and daylight fauna Of society at court Elizabeth bedazzled, Her presence sought applause Though Her torchlit shadow Thrown upon damp cellar walls Greeted nothing but despair from slaves Her nights enthralled 在那团团旋转的舞池之间 在那宫廷中显贵望族之流,千百昼行动物之间 伊莉莎白舞姿缭乱,掌声追随着她的行踪 穿过她火炬的疏影 印向潮湿地牢的墙壁 没有欢迎,唯有每夜被她吸引的奴仆绝望的呻吟 Thirteen Winter solstices had shown Her path, that the dark Had marked its dominion Spaying the confessor Whose caresses she'd known, As whipcord in the House of Dog Her cold cunt meat on holy bone 十三个冽冬已然昭示 她的旅途,狭隘黑暗 邪恶的印记彰示她的疆土 忏悔早已被阉割 她明了那是谁的爱抚 即便被绳缚于狗窝也不觉廉耻 为表亵渎她将她僵冷的阴户置于教堂圣骨之上 Raped of faith, She now embraced The narcissistic unrest frozen on the mirror's face With this disdain, inside these veins (Highborn wanton that She was) She sought to keep what age would claim Her soul was sold and for this toll Reeking pyres ever smouldered On the whims of one so in control Elizabeth, mysterious. Cruelty brought thee orchids From the bowels of the abyss 蹂躏信仰,如今她转而投怀送抱于 那因自我陶醉而搔首弄姿的镜中残影 寒霜满覆 倨傲潜藏于血脉之间 (她曾因出身名门而肆意妄为) 她寻觅青春永驻的秘诀 她将自己的灵魂售予丧钟 焖燃的柴堆焦臭滚滚 她被心血来潮的残酷念头深深吸引 伊丽莎白,谜之女郎 残虐从深渊的腹底 为汝献上幽兰 Once upon atrocity when midwitches stifled cries And carved abortive runes in reddened wombs Exhumed by scrying eyes Madness came upon Her like an amourous lover's seed Lifesblood splashed upon Her skin In gouts torture unleashed 曾有一桩暴行 当女巫在窒死前绝望哀哭 她未果的邪恶符文从娇红的子宫中流产 被占卜者敏锐双眼洞悉和发掘 于是疯狂重又占据头脑 她如同荒淫的多情种子 将鲜活的血液泼向自己的肌肤 彰示那对于折磨的品味 And to Her dead reflection Twas as if Her pallor gleamed Like an angel's warmed by candles Where erotic stains had cleaved So demons dragged this libertine Lusts screaming for release Upon the flesh of maidens preened As canvas for caprice 昨冥惨灰的遗容熠熠生辉 如烛火温存天使面庞 轻挑秋波支离游曳 恶魔拖曳着放荡灵魂 在那顾盼自怜女士袒露的肉体之上 淫欲哀鸣着祈望解脱 如同画布上天马行空的狂想 Exacting obeisance Her gaze held a seance Of spirits too trapped under glass to commune A sleeter mistress than Luna Whose threats to consume Her Met with torments giving vent to Her swoon Flat on Her back Pack-prey for the reams Of verses and curses That haunted Her dreams Midnightmare chimed Thirteen in Her mind A disciple of scars Branded years hissed behind Ridden split-thighed By the Father of lies An ovation of wolves Blushed the skies as they writhed 令她背脊滑嫩 诅咒如同韵脚诗般抑扬顿挫 萦绕着她的梦境 梦魇旋律齐鸣 十三蚀刻在她脑海 她乃是这伤痕的信徒 劈开双腿骑上她千谎之教父 张开双臂欢迎地狱群狼 血腥牲畜们翻滚着染红腥红夜空 But Heaven is never forever She came, a spent storm From the clouds... 诚然天堂并非永恒 她若耗竭一切的风暴 自云端降临 Leaving serpents in office Inside every gate To lick righteous holes Blinding Lords to the fate Of virgins forced naked To defile on rent knees Hacked and racked backwards Menses choking their pleas 将毒蛇投入每一间闭室 每一扇门扉 口交般舔舐正义 刺瞎领主们抗辩的双眸 处子们被强迫赤裸 跪于撕裂的双膝饱受折磨 被从后蹂躏与凌辱 哀求如同经血般被阻窒 "More. Whore. More. Twitching make me wet with thee Carcass rub me raw" “更多,婊子,更多. 抽搐令我为你而湿润 以胴体摩挲我” And to Her dead reflection Twas as if Her pallor gleamed Like an angel's warmed by candles Where erotic stains had cleaved So demons dragged this libertine Lusts screaming for release Upon the flesh of maidens preened As canvas for caprice 昨冥惨灰的遗容熠熠生辉 如烛火温存天使面庞 轻挑秋波支离游曳 恶魔拖曳着放荡灵魂 在那顾盼自怜女士袒露的肉体之上 淫欲哀鸣着祈望解脱 如同画布上天马行空的狂想 Raped of faith, She now embraced The narcissistic unrest frozen on the mirror's face With this disdain, inside these veins (Highborn wanton that She was) She sought to keep what age would claim Her soul was sold and for this toll Reeking pyres ever smouldered On the whims of one so in control Elizabeth, mysterious. Cruelty brought thee orchids From the bowels of the abyss From the bowels of the abyss 蹂躏信仰,如今她转而投怀送抱于 那因自我陶醉而搔首弄姿的镜中残影 寒霜满覆 倨傲潜藏于血脉之间 (她曾因出身名门而肆意妄为) 她寻觅青春永驻的秘诀 她将自己的灵魂售予丧钟 焖燃的柴堆焦臭滚滚 她被心血来潮的残酷念头深深吸引 伊丽莎白,谜之女郎 残虐从深渊的腹底 为汝献上幽兰