艺人:Cradle of filth
节拍:♩ = 85
http://www.douban.com/note/193309607/ Led to the river midsummer i waved a "V" of black swans on with hope to the grave all through red September with skies fire paved I begged you appear like a throne for the holy ones 仲夏时节,我来到河边 满怀希望,将列成“人”字的 黑天鹅逐向墓园; 飞过九月的天空 铺满血红的火焰 如王座期盼圣者 我乞求你的出现 Cold was my soul untold was the pain I faced when you left me a rose in the rain... so I swore to the razor that never enchained would your dark nails of faith be pushed through my veins again 寒冷刻入灵魂 痛苦无可言喻 当你遗我而去 留下一朵雨中的玫瑰 我以永不受缚的 剃刀之名立誓 愿你的黑色信仰 再次钉入我的血管之内 Bared on your tomb I'm a prayer for your lonliness and would you ever soon come above unto me for once upon the time from the bind of your lonliness I could always find the right slot for your sacred key 赤裸在你坟前 为你的孤独祝祷 祈求你离开坟墓临幸我身 曾几何时,我被你的寂寞紧缚 总能为你神圣的钥匙找到正确的锁孔 Six feet deep in the incision in my heart that barredless prison discolours all in tunnel vision sunsetter Nymphetamine 伤口的六尺深处 心中未锁的囚笼 一切在井底褪色 落日下,罂粟般的少女 Sick and weak from my condition this lust this vampiric addiction to her alone in full submission None better 病弱之躯臣服于这情欲 这吸血鬼般的沉溺 唯独对她一人 再好不过 罂粟般的少女 Nymphetamine my nymphetamine girl 属于我的 罂粟般的少女 Wracked with your charm I am circled like a prey back in the forest where whispers persuade more sugar trails more white ladys laid than pillars of salt 被你的魅惑羁绊 如同猎物陷网 回到低语轻唤的森林 这里罂粟的甜蜜足迹 要多过盐柱 fold to my arms hold their mesmeric sway and dance her to the moon as we did in those golden days 我们相拥,臂弯交叠 在月下 像美好的昔日那样 迷醉地起舞 Christening stars I remember the way we were needle and spoon mislaid in the burning hay 施洗时的星空下 回想起我们如何欲火中烧 像被遗落在火中的针与匙 Bared on your tomb I'm a prayer for your lonliness and would you ever soon come above unto me for once upon time from the bind of your lonliness I could always find the right slot for your sacred key 赤裸在你坟前 为你的孤独祝祷 祈求你离开坟墓临幸我身 曾几何时,我被你的寂寞紧缚 总能为你神圣的钥匙找到正确的锁孔 Six feet deep in the incision in my heart that barredless prison discolours all in tunnel vision None better Nymphetamine 伤口的六尺深处 心中未锁的囚笼 一切在井底褪色 再好不过 罂粟般的少女 <... solo ...> Nymphetamine nymphetamine Nymphetamine nymphetamine Nymphetamine girl Nymphetamine nymphetamine my nymphetamine girl 1、Nymphetamine:这个词是由nymph和amphetamine构造而来的。Nymph是希腊神话中的女仙,纳博科夫用这个词来形容洛丽塔,于是后来衍生出nymphet一词,专指洛丽塔那样未成年却深具性诱惑的少女。Amphetamine安非他命是丙胺类药物,滥用可成瘾,冰毒就是其中一种。因此Nymphetamine一词的含义应该是像毒品一样使人成瘾的诱人少女。 2、I could always find the right slot for your sacred key:这句话是不是很有深意?不解释。 3、Six feet deep in the incision:英语国家中死人通常被埋在地下六英尺的深度。有部电视剧就叫Six Feet Under。 4、more white ladys laid than pillars of salt:white lady是海洛因的别称。pillars of salt应该典出于《旧约》中耶和华毁灭索多玛和蛾摩拉的传说。罗德的妻子不听从告诫回头观望而变成了盐柱。 5、needle and spoon:欧美国家吸毒者常用的加热海洛因的器具。 6、tunnel vision原意类似于“管窥”,形容狭窄的视野,因此意译为“井底”。