We've been al-right up un-til now
But the air that we breathe is a-bout to run out
We've re-hearsed our lines clear and loud
But the cue ne-ver came and the lights,
They ne-ver went down
So we're pass-ing the time
While time pa-sses us
The fast lane's a term ne-ver ap-plied to us
Not a dime to my name
Or a prayer in the world
I walk out the door
Dest-i-na-a-tion: an-y-where but here
A-way from you!
Now I'm on my-y way to the o-ther side
I'll for-get eve-ry-thing I left be-hind
These emp-ty-y ro-oms
Are st-ill filled wi-ith you-ou
And so I dropped out of my own race
A race with no fi-nish line,
No first or last place
These fa-ces all rush ri-ight past me
I turn and walk a-way
'Cause we final-ly know now what our time here's a-bout,
We were not meant to be
An-o-ther face in the crowd
We're a fo-rest of lives
And we grow tall and wide
We'll ne-ver be cut down
Dest-i-na-a-tion: an-y-where but here
A-way from you!
Now I'm on my-y way to the o-ther side
I'll for-get eve-ry-thing I left be-hind
These emp-ty-y ro-oms
Are st-ill filled wi-ith you-ou
I'm so-o ti-i-red and turned a-round and scared
And I'm ly-y-ing in emp-ty beds a-gain
I'll wait for you to come
To your sen-ses, barbed wire fen-ces
Won't keep me from break-ing through
I swear I will to you
Now I'm on my-y way to the o-ther side
I'll for-get eve-ry-thing I left be-hind
These emp-ty-y ro-oms
Are st-ill filled wi-ith you-ou
Are st-ill filled wi-ith you-ou
I'm so-o ti-i-red and turned a-round and scared
And I'm ly-y-ing in emp-ty beds a-gain
A-way from you