On the day of my final sacrifice 于我最终献祭之日
the chilling steel open my veins 唬人的兵器敞开我的血管
Blood stains my skin 血液浸染我的肌肤
Silver chalice must be filled... 必装满银色的酒杯
Drinking the poisoned blood 饮下毒血
I enter my shadowed coffin 走进被我隐藏的棺木
Two goathorns in my hands 两红魔于我手中
I raise my arms and close my eyes 我举起手臂闭上眼睛
to receive the infernal hails 接受地狱的致敬
from my brother in the land of the damned 来自教友的诅咒之地
The howling wind blows in the naked trees 咆哮的风肆虐着光秃的树
Moonlit fields are glowing in the dark 月光闪烁下的土地是黑夜里的赞美
Below me, the path to the cemetary 于我之下,是通往墓地的小径
where my spiritual brother take me 是我精神教友带我去的地方
They halt at the shadow of an oak 他们停止在橡树的阴影中
My nocturnal funeral commence 我夜间葬礼正开始
Laying in my blasphemous sleep 置于我亵渎神明的睡眠中
I am lowered down to the pit 把我放在坑中
A raven sings my last song 渡鸦啼叫我的最后一曲
as the wolves howl their goodbyes 如狼嚎叫它们的道别一般
The funeral moon glows strongly now 葬月愈发炽烈
for I am nearly there 因我几乎到那
This night of late October 于迟晚的十月之夜
the darkside opens it's gate 暗面开启它的门
Morbid souls wait for me 病态的灵魂等待我
For satanic conspiracy 为邪恶的阴谋
Flowers of doom 厄运之花
Rising in bloom 复活于绽放
You will see 你将会看到
Our immortality! 不朽!