标题:Blood Bound
专辑:Chapter V: Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken
作词:Oscar Dronjak/Joacim Cans
制谱人:Ricardo Villatoro (ricardo_villatoro@hotmail.com)
节拍:Heavy Rock ♩ = 135
- Joacim Cans - 合成主音2(锯齿波) Lead 2 (sawtooth)
- Coro: Dronjak y Elmgren - 中国镲 Chinese Cymbal
- Stefan Elmgren - 低音刷音 Scratch 1
- Oscar Dronjak - 低音刷音 Scratch 1
- Oscar Dronjak - 高音刷音 Scratch 2
- Magnus Ros閚 - 节拍器 Metronome Click
- Anders Johansson - 敲击乐器
标记:IntroRiff AVerso RiffPre-CoroCoro AVerso RiffPre-CoroCoro ARiff B / VersoInterludioSolo Stefan ElmgrenIntro RiffCoro BOutro
Count down, des cen ding down to ze ro
Burs ting in to flames
Can't you see the co ming of a he ro
On this en chan ting da e a e ay
So stand up and be coun ted
In the so lar glance in the de sert sand
No lon ger the hun ted
U ni ted we are till the day we fall
A chain un brea ka ble
E very link is a llied to our migh ty Vo ow
We're Blood Bound We aim for the sun
The lu mi nous moon will take us high o ver ground
We're Blood Bound Co llec ting the stars
We hold a po wer that is grea ter than all
We're Blood Bound
Watch out, the hea thens all a round us
Al ways watch your ba e a e ack
We've got a lust for free dom
Wha te ver they say, we know we'll stay
We are in des truc ta ble
And no ma tter what ha ppens, we will rise a bo ove
We're Blood Bound We aim for the sun
The lu mi nous moon will take us high o ver ground
We're Blood Bound Co llec ting the stars
We hold a po wer that is grea ter than all
We're Blood Bound
Look in to my eyes
Tell me what is hi dden deep in side
Chains a bout to break
It's the e ver las ting free dom for us all
We're Blood Bound We aim for the sun
The lu mi nous moon will take us high o ver ground
We're Blood Bound Co llec ting the stars
We hold a po wer to ge ther/(We're Blood Bound)
We aim for the sun
The lu mi nous moon will take us high o ver ground
We're Blood Bound Co llec ting the stars
We hold a po wer to ge ther/(Blood Bound)
po wer for e ver/(Blood Bound)
po wer...
We're Blood Bound