标题:When you look me in the eyes
艺人:The Jonas Brothers
节拍:Moderate ♩ = 68
- Pista 1 - 钢弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar(steel)
- Pista 2 - 钢弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar(steel)
- Pista 3 - 钢弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar(steel)
- Voice 1 - 钢弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar(steel)
- Voice 2 - 钢弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar(steel)
注释:if theheartisal -wayssear _______chingcanyoue -verfindahome __ _________________I've been loo -kingforthatso _____________meoneIne -vermakeitallmyown __________________howlongwillIbewai _________tingtobewithyoua -gain _________________go -nnatellyouthatIlove _________________ youinthebestwaythatI ___________________can moreandmore _______________I'vestart ________________tore -a -lize ______________________Icanreachmyto -mo -rrowIcan ____holdmyheaduphigh _____andit'sallbe -causeyou'reby ____myside _____whenyoulookmeintheeyesandtellmethatyoulove _______me ________________e -very -thing'sall -right _________________whenyou'rerightherebymyside _________________when Iholdyouinmyarms _______________andlo -vingisfor -e -ver ______Ijustgo -ttaletyou _____know ________andne -verwa - nnaletyou __go _______causewhenyoulookmeintheeyes ____________Icatchaglimpse __ofheaven ______________________________Ifind ________mypa -ra -dise ________________________whenyoulookmeintheesyes ______________dreamscantaketheplaceoflo -vingyou __________there'sgo -ttabeami -llionrea -sons ___whyit'strue ______whenyoulookmeintheeyes _______________andtellmethatyoulove ______me _________________e -very -thing'sall _____right _________whenyou'rerightherebymyside ________________whenyoulookmeintheeyes ________________Icatchaglimpseofhea ___________ven ____________________I find ___________________my pa -ra -dise __________________________whenyoulookmeintheeyes ______________Ican'ttakeadaywith-outyouhere ______________________you'rethelightthatmakesmydark -nessdis -appear _____________________________whenyoulookmeintheeyesandtellmethatyoulove ___________me ______________________e -very -thing'sall -right _________________whenyou'rerightherebymyside _______________whenyoulookmeintheeyes __________________Icatchaglimpseofhea _______ven _______________Ifind ________________mypa - ra -dise ___________________________whenyoulookmeintheeyes _________________________
If the heart is always searching,
Can you ever find a home?
I've been looking for that someone,
I'll never make it on my own.
Dreams can't take the place of loving you,
There's gotta be a million reasons why it's true
When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.
How long will I be waiting,
To be with you again
Gonna tell you that I love you,
In the best way that I can.
I can't take a day without you here,
You're the light that makes my darkness disappear.
When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.
More and more, I start to realize,
I can reach my tomorrow,
I can hold my head high,
And it's all because you're by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When I hold you in my arms
I know that it's forever
I just gotta let you know
I never wanna let you go
When you look me in the eyes.
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.