You sure, you're right?
Well no, you're wro-ong,
You don't feel my en-er-gy,
But it won't be long.
I see the sun,
Be-lieve the da-ark,
Soon I'll dis-ap-pear,
But I'll make my mark.
All these fears,
And all this love.
All you've gi-ven me,
Is not e-nough.
All my dreams,
And all this stuff.
All made real,
And it's not e-nough.
Be-hind my eyes,
Is a rage alo-o-one.
But you don't un-der-stand,
It was all home grown.
I'm not a-fraid,
I just don't be-lo-ong.
It may be cyn-i-cal,
But it all seems wrong.
All these fears,
And all this love.
All you've gi-ven me,
Is not e-nough.
All my dreams,
And all this stuff.
All made real,
And it's not e-nough.
Be-hind my eyes,
Is a rage alo-o-one.
But you don't un-der-stand,
It was all home grown.
I'm not a-fraid,
I just don't be-lo-ong.
It may be cyn-i-cal,
But it all seems wrong.
All these fears,
And all this love.
All you've gi-ven me,
Is not e-nough.
All my dreams,
And all this stuff.
All made real,
And it's not e-nough.