



艺人:System Of A Down

tempo change, 146--->158.
listen to the song, it does accelerate.

the seeming "skip" (7/8 rather than 4/4)
is in my copy of the demo... so im not exactly sure if it 
was recorded that way or not, but it fits.

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 146

  1. Serj Tankian (vocals) - 大钢琴 Acoustic Grand Piano
  2. Daron Malakian (guitar clean) - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  3. Shavo Odadjian (bass) - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  4. John Dolmayan (drums) - 敲击乐器
  5. Daron Malakian (guitar dist.) - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
标记:ArpeggiosIntro part 2Verse 1Arpeggio interludeChorusBass interludeVerse 2Arpeggio interludeChorusBass InterludeBridgeChorusOutro
歌曲: Friik

[intro] What's my prob-lem, Here's my prob-lem, My prob-lem is that I'm Too vi-sual to be blind, Too au-dio-lo-gi-cal to be deaf, Too i-deo-lo-gi-cal to be in peace, Too com-pas-sion-ate to be in war, Too cra-zy to be sane, To sane to be la-zy, Too e-mo-tion-al to be you. [verse 1] If I could on-ly stop my head, From go-ing in-to con-stant in-fec-tion, Then may-be I can swim back To my own ver-sion of con-sis-tent sa-ni-ty. An-ge-lic de-mons, Li-quid dreams, Trans-pa-rent moun-tains Of our own re-al-i-ty. [chorus1] Bur-ning o-ceans, Mel-ting fa-ces, Mel-ting fa-ces, Why why? [verse 1 repeat] If I could on-ly stop my head, From go-ing in-to con-stant in-fec-tion, Then may-be I can swim back To my own ver-sion of con-sis-tent sa-ni-ty. An-ge-lic de-mons, Li-quid dreams, Trans-pa-rent moun-tains Of our own re-al-i-ty. [chorus 2] Bur-ning o-ceans, Mel-ting fa-ces, Mel-ting fa-ces, Why! Ly-ing Gla-ciers Swim-ming Mea-dows Mind con-trol [bridge] Am-ne-sia! In-fe-ri-or! In-som-ni-a! can't sleep, can't shit cuz you're in the the ho-spit-al and they're fuck-ing... WHY? [chorus1] Bur-ning o-ceans, Mel-ting fa-ces, Mel-ting fa-ces, Why? Ly-ing Gla-ciers Swim-ming Mea-dows Mind con-trol May-be my minds not at all in con-trol May-be i'm not in con-tr-ol
