My tabs are not meant to be carbon copies of the
songs they're based on : I do add stuff and change
things sometimes. It's just my version of the songs in
a way : )... Oh, yeah : I AM NO DRUMMER!!! So
consider the drumming as a bonus (good or bad)... or
tab it yourself : ).
PS: This is tab is made by ear (a lot of people seem to
forget that), there bly not perfect. So if you wanna
send me a "hey this tab is wrong", make sure you
have a correction (or at least a suggestion). Otherwise
you'll just waste my time (and yours) ...
Mes tablatures ne sont pas de copies conformes de
chansos sur lequelles elles sont basées : Parfois je
change ou je rajoute des trucs. Ce sont mes versions
en quelques sorte : )... Ah, oui : JE NE SUIS PAS
BATTEUR!!! Considerez la batterie plus comme un
bonus (bon ou mauvais)... Sinon, faitez le vous même
: ).
PS: Cette tablature est faite à l'oreille (certains
semblent l'oublier), donc pas parfaite. Si vous voulez
m'envoyez un " Eh, mais c'est faux là!", assurez
d'avoir une correction (ou une sugestion au moins),
sinon vous me faitez juste perdre mon temps (et le
votre par la même occaz)...
Yeah, it sounds weird on GP... but that's how it's played!!!When pulling off E string, slip your finger to the A string, in order to pull it off as well...Think of it like some kind of "big pull-off"... or "double pull-off" : )...Distortion onOffFlanger onDelay onFx offFlanger onFx off... Aaah, if only you had a 3rd feet : )...Let the stick bounce on the skin...No idea what exactly is going on here...Just DO it lol!!!Talk box ?Distortion onTalk box ?Auto-Wah onUse a Talk Box if you happen to have one ...off... not sure about the chord though...Auto-Wah onoff... just "whooosh" it : )...Pick slide <Variation !!!Guitar keeps the 6/4 signature...Flanger on/Distortion off (9/4 signature)... it loops every 4th bar...The other track (lower notes) is an overdub...!!!Drums in 9/8 signature...... it loops every 3 bars...xVariation !!!!!!This melody......is repeated through a 2nd channel here...... and here......and finally here, but with the end variation Flanger & Delay onFlanger & Delay off