This technique is a bit tricky: Pull-off from the fret to open D-string, and then pull-off the open A-string. As this is all heavily palm muted, you don't actually hear thenote A, but only a muted sound. And just let the D-string ring while pulling off the open A-string.Here from the king's_____moun___- tain____viewHere from the wild______dream___come____trueFeast like a sul_____- tan____I_______doOntrea - sures and flesh_____ne______- ver____fewButI,My suggestion for a chord progression for thisI would part would be: | Dm | Bb | F | Gm | Dm | Bb | F | Csus2/g |wish itall a- wayIfIthought I'dlose youjust onedayThede - vil and his______had_____me_____downAlove with the dark____side____I'd______foundDa - bble in all_____the_____way____Up to my neck____ soon_____ to_______drownButyouchanged__ that all for_________ me [lovely frase!]Lif - ted me up,_____ turned____ me_____roundSoI,I,I would,_________Wishthisalla- way____________________Prayed like a fa - ther dusk_____ to_____To remember this I have a little rhythm-rhyme that goes like this:"AND TWO,dawnAND TWO,AND FOUR, FOUR" ...Beg like a hoo - ker all_____ night____longTemp - ted the de - vil with____ my______song___Andgot what I wan - ted all_____ night____...here I'd go like:"AND FOUR, FOUR,long______But(huh) FOUR, FOUR,AND FOUR, FOUR, FIVE" :)I,__________andwould________Ifcould,________Iwould_______Wish it a- way,______wish it a- way_______wish it all a- way_______Wan - na wish it all a- wayNo___prize that couldholdsway__Or just - i- fymy___gi - ving a- waycen - terSoif I couldI'd wish itall a - way____If I thought to- mor - rowmy take you a- way_______You're my peace of mind,myhome, my cen - terI'm just tryin' tohold onone moredayDim my eyes______________________Dim my eyesif they shouldcom - pro - miseour ful - crumWhat you need di - vides meThen I might as well begone____________________________________A good reminder: First there's 3x "AND TWO"s and1x "AND FOUR"s...A reminder: In this bar there's 3x "AND TWO"s and1x "AND FOUR"s...then 2x "AND TWO"s and 2x "AND FOUR"s...here there's 2x "AND TWO"s and 2x "AND FOUR"s...and finally 1x "AND TWO"s and 2x "AND FOUR"s......and then it loops.here there's 1x "AND TWO"s and 2x "AND FOUR"s......and then it loops.Turn the auto-wah on and off for these yawns.pick slidepick slideA rhythm-rhyme for this would be:AND TWO,AND FOUR, FOUR,AND FOUR, FOUR"...it's similar to the first one except there's an "AND FOUR" more.Here the rhythm from just before is played acrossthe rest of the music, which is called a poly-rhythm.V -- here it loops, it's a real tongue twister ;)Shineon____for - e - verShine__________...and it doesn't loop with the rest of the music until here, actually!onbe - ne - vo - lentsunHere the rhythm fits with the bass:V... lovely, right?Shine down u - pon____the bro - kenShine un____________- til____the two be - comeoneon_____for - e - ver______on____Shine on u - pon______the se - veredshine un___________- til___the two be - comeDi- videand I'mwi - ther - ing a_____________- way_____- way__Shine on u - pon______the ma - nyLight our____________way___be - ne - vo - lentBreathe_in____ un____ - ion___So___as____one___sur___- vive_An___ - o____ - ther___day__and___ - sea___ - son___Si- lent__le - gions,_____saveyour__poi___- son__stayout___of___my___way(This is the poly-rhythm from the climax.)