The focus of the tab is on guitar and drums. Less time was spent on the bass.
Some of the solos have single notes with multiple bends. Guitar Pro 6 seems to have a problem with that, so each bend is written as its own note.
When scoring the drums, I stuck to the way I'm used to noting the toms, and didn't try to match the pitch of the song. If the drum cleff was the treble cleff then the first, second and floor toms would be E, D and A repectively.
There should be harmonics on the trill at the end of bar 63 as well, but they sound bad in guitar pro.The acoustic guitar is barely audible, but it's something like this.Sounds like a different guitar. Kept on the same track for convenience.There's meant to be some wah here.Just pick the first bend. I couldn't get them all on one continuous note in Guitar Pro 6.