艺人:Dark Moor
制谱人:by Mando
Nota: La guitarra limpia (Clean) puede estar MUY mal... --------- Un saludo a todos los fans de Dark Moor en "Jardines"...
Presiona F5 para ver comentariosNo hacer caso a la intensidad de la nota, solo las pongo en "piano" para reducir el volumenwah-wah effectFade OutNo se por qué el Decrescendo no funciona
lovers dark moor/黑色沼泽-(2007) editor by:beauty_in_dark ( 淘宝ID:beauty_in_dark) Lovers Underneath the star shine where the white light glows Lovers in the skyline cupid shoots his bow One promise, true love forever or one life calmed in wealth to choose passion or stealth In my heart, the love is in my heart The dream beneath the sun The lovers will be one In my heart, the love is in my heart The dream beneath the sun The lovers will be one The night brings a sweet love caress a broken feeling possess my heart in the doubt that fills my distress In every soul there is a light a dream that drives each fate that just love celebrates In my heart, the love is in my heart The dream beneath the sun The lovers will be one In my heart, the love is in my heart The dream beneath the sun The lovers will be one In my heart, the love is in my heart The dream beneath the sun The lovers will be one In my heart, the love is in my heart The dream beneath the sun The lovers will be one In my heart, the love is in my heart The dream beneath the sun The lovers will be one ...............