




专辑:Design Your Universe

  1. Guitar I - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  2. Guitar II - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  3. Choir / Backing Vocals - 合唱“啊”音 Choir Aahs
  4. Lead Vocal - 长笛 Flute
  5. Strings - 弦乐合奏1 String Ensemble 1
  6. French Horn - 圆号 French Horn
  7. Drumkit - 敲击乐器

De - clin - ingallco -lorfa -dingDe -fin - ingtime comingformeRe scin dingmyin -spi - ra -tionRe - ce - dingco -on -sciousnessahhh .......Back intheday,Ican re -ca -allthatmy thoughtswere uncloudedandsage.There was noblackstainingthewallsofmyme - mo - ries.Now there's ahazepushingmeside -waysandlea -vingmeno -thingtogain.Takingmeback,lockingcoldindis -par - it -y.Where wasImeanttobe?Ifeel I'mlostinadream.LongforthedayIcanbemy -selfwhen I'mFreewhenmysunhassetre -leasedso -ulfor -e -verI'llhavenore -gret...TobefreeI'llex -ista -gainnomorelo -sten -dea - vorsno -thingto -ocon -tendwhenI'mfreeCo - lorde -clines,allthat de -finesmeisfall -inga -wayfarbe -hind.Nothingtokeepmewith thetime,here and nowWhereamYearning a -gainon -lytono -thingto -ocon -I'mfree!(guitar out)Timeisjustacon -ceptandal -waysthefirstthingtofade.....A -gon - yandweak-nessno -thing wecane -vere -vade.Yearsarecruel,they breakus,bring -ingonde -cayandde -spair.A -ware ness andpercep -tionsome ne -re -pair.Freedomformeis allI'mreal - lywanting,needing,givemepo -wertobreak outIcan'thold onfora -nylon germytimehascometoend itall....Nooneblame,fate's onlyran -dom.It'snothingwe'll e -verex -plainsoitre -mains......wasLong formyselfFree -ee -eeWhenwillbeun -leashed?It'snotthewayshouldbe.Unleashmyco -on -sciousnesseewhenmysunhassetre -leasedso -ulfor -e -verI'llhavenore -gret.Tobefreeex -ista -gainnomore lo - sten -dea - vorsno -thingtocon -tendwhenI'mfree....

标记:RiffVersePre-chorusChorusVersePre-chorusChorusBridge IBridge IIVersePre-chorusChorusRiff
歌曲: Unleashed
Keep hiding
All colors fading
They're coming for me
Receiving my inspiration

Back in the day, I can recall
That my thist for un-clarity and saint
There was no black stain in the walls of my memories
Now there's a haste pushing me sideways
And leaving me nothing to gain
Taking me back, locking me close in disparity
Where was I meant to be?
I'm feeling lost in a dream
Long for the day I can be myself

When I'm free
When my sun has set
Release myself forever
I have no regrets
To be free
I'm existing again
No, I'm lost endeavors
Nothing to concern
When I'm free

Call a decline
Slowly defines me
Is falling away far behind
Nothing to keep me with the time
The here and now
Where am I meant to be?
I'm feeling lost in a dream
Yearning again only to be myself

When I'm free
When my sun has set
Release myself forever
I have no regrets
To be free
I'm existing again
No, I'm lost endeavors
Nothing to concern
When I'm free

Time's just a concept
And always the first thing to fade
(no more heartache, no deserving)
Hiding in weakness
Nothing we can ever refrain
Years are cruel, they break us
Ruling on decay and despair (no despairing)
Cowardice of perception
Something we can never repair (no repairing)

No one to blame
Way from the render
There's nothing we'll ever explain
So it remains
Where was I meant to be?
I'm feeling lost in a dream
Long for the day I can be myself (free)
When will I be unleashed?
There's nothing I need to be
Yearning again only to be myself

When my sun has set
Release myself forever
I have no regrets to be free
I'm existing again
No, I'm lost endeavors
Nothing to concern
When I'm free