I'm not a bass player, so you'll have to excuse me if there are some mistakes.Okayallyoupussuckin'motherfuckersoutthere.It'stimetowin a chance to butt-bang your daughter's tight virgin cherry assto caller number666Theurgeistoomuchtotake.AllIcanthinkaboutisplayin'withmyself.It'stimetomasturbateI'vegotmyHustlerandIdon't neednothin'else(2) Myhandgetstiredand my dick gets soreButthegirlsof porn want moreSoI flipthroughthe pages one more timeAndIjustletthe jism flyYeahyeahyeahA quarter for a peep showA private booth or talkin'to a naked whoreTripleXvideo976andcanwhack it onthephoneThis part is slappedNobody's home, I'm alone"The Devil in Miss Jones"Asia and John Holmes"14 inch dead dick!" Ain't got no woman next to meI've just this magazineAnd what's on theTV screenBut that'sOKwith me.My hand getsOh, Mr. BungleOh, Mr. Bungleyeah