You have to learn to pace your-self Pres-sure You're+just like ev-ery-bod-y else____________ Pres-sure You've+on- ly had to run so far So good But you will come to a place where the on-ly thing you feel Are load-ed guns in your face And you'll have to deal with Pres-sure You used to call me par-a-noid Pres-sure But e-ven you can-not a-void___________ Pres-sure You turned the tap dance+in to your cru-sade Now here you are with your faith And your Pe-ter Pan ad-vice You have no scars on your face And you can-not han-dle Pres-sure All grown up and no place to go Psych one Psych two What do you know All your life is Chan-nel thir-teen Ses-a-me Street What does it mean Pres-sure Pres-sure Don't ask for help You're+all a-lone Pres-sure You'll+have to an-swer to your own___________ Pres-sure I'm sure You'll+have some+cos- mic ra-tio-nale But here you are in the ninth Two men out and three men on No-where to look but in-side Where we all re-spond to Pres-sure mm Pres-sure All grown up and no place to go Psych one Psych two What do you know All your life is Chan-nel thir-teen Ses-a-me Street What does it mean Pres-sure I'm sure you'll have some cos-mic ra-tio-nale But here you are with your faith And your Pe-ter Pan ad-vice You have no scars on your face And you can-not han-dle Pres-sure mm Pres-sure Pres-sure One, two, three, four Pres-sure