CS-Bluegrass-16 的参数
品牌 | Martin(马丁) |
分类 | 民谣吉他 |
型号 | CSBluegrass16 |
系列 | Limited Editions |
音梁结构 | Forward Shifted X Brace |
弦钮 | Nickel Open Gear |
有效弦长 | 25.4 |
拾音器 | 可选 |
琴颈连接方式 | Dovetail Neck Joint Hide Glue Construction |
琴体尺寸 | D14 Fret |
面板木材 | Adirondack Spruce with VTS |
面板细节 | None |
音孔装饰 | MultiStripe Large Soundhole |
音梁形状 | Scalloped |
音梁材料 | Adirondack Spruce with VTS |
音梁尺寸 | 5/16 |
背板材料 | Guatemalan Rosewood |
背板细节 | None |
Back Purfling/Strip | ZigZag |
侧板材料 | Guatemalan Rosewood |
侧板细节 | None |
底部 | Grained Ivoroid |
底部镶嵌 | MultiStripe |
包边 | Grained Ivoroid |
面板镶嵌材料 | Fine Herringbone |
侧板镶嵌材料 | 无 |
背板镶嵌材料 | MultiStripe |
琴颈材料 | Genuine Mahogany |
琴颈形状 | Modified Low Oval |
Neck Taper | High Performance Taper |
Plek | 是 |
上弦枕材料 | Bone |
琴头形状 | Solid with Square Taper and Diamond |
琴头贴面材料 | Guatemalan Rosewood |
琴头贴面细节 | 无 |
Headplate Logo Style | Script Golden Era Overlay |
琴头贴面包边材料 | None |
琴踵帽 | Grained Ivoroid |
指板材料 | 乌木 |
Neck Joins Body At | 14th Fret |
品数 | 20 |
上弦枕处指板宽度 | 1 3/4 |
Fingerboard Width at 12th Fret | 2 1/8 |
指板镶嵌材料 | Mother of Pearl |
指板镶嵌样式 | 音点 |
指板包边材料 | Grained Ivoroid |
侧板音点 | Black |
背侧板漆面 | Vintage Gloss |
Back and Sides Color | None |
漆面面板 | Vintage Gloss |
面板颜色 | Antique Toner |
漆面琴颈 | Vintage Gloss |
琴颈颜色 | Dark Mahogany |
琴桥材料 | 乌木 |
琴桥样式 | Modern Belly Drop in Saddle |
Bridge String Spacing | 2 5/32 |
下弦枕 | Compensated Bone |
Saddle Radius | 16 |
Recommended Strings | SP Acoustic 92/8 Phosphor Bronze Medium (MSP4200) |
旋钮 | Butterbean |
Bridge Pin Material | White Plastic |
固弦锥圆点 | Black Plastic |
护板 | Faux Dalmatian Tortoise |
护板镶嵌 | 无 |
琴箱 | Ply Hardshell |
Label | 无 |
是否有左手款 | 是 |