吉他谱: 7 粉丝: 4
Evocation招魂成軍於2002年,為香港最早的黑死金屬樂隊之一。以道教及佛教的元素與黑死金屬淆成獨特風格,以歌曲超渡亡魂,啟迪世人,無畏強權。主腦為結他及主唱趙善聰Tomy,多年來成員經歷多番變動,現役陣容為結他手譚鈞泰,貝司手周聰,鼓手梁建文 及 音效鍵盤手盧家豪。2014年4月25日贏得 WOA Metal Battle China金屬戰火冠軍寶座。並於2014年7月30日出戰德國,參加全球最大金屬音樂節Wacken Open Air 2014 - Metal Battle,進入最後五強,贏得第四獎。2013年推出第二張專輯,以大量的充滿傳統東方氣氛的樂器及聲效,構建一次探討生死的黑死金屬旅程。通過「天靈靈地靈靈」召喚太上老君超越人鬼神三界,去毁滅千秋世代的封建詛咒,控訴不斷崩壞的香港。Evocation招魂 忠於自己,製造中文廣東話重金屬,對這個徹底腐爛了的城市表達最真摰的感受。面對種種霸權的欺壓,在音樂上尋找另類精神的烏托邦。第一張專輯《Take Your Soul》於2008年發行,風格深受歐洲死亡黑金屬(Black/Death Metal)薰陶。歌曲主要是表達厭惡虛偽的現實世界和逃避的欲望,面對不公社會及宗教偽善,希望靈魂在黑暗裡安息。 Evocation招魂 曾獲邀參與演出: 《2014北京迷笛音樂節》、《2013上海長江迷笛音樂節》、《2011廣州430音樂節》、《香港極端金屬音樂節2007,2008,2011》、《臺灣Ultimate Metal Festival 2008》、《韓國Asia Metal Fest 2009》以及《廣州粵港金屬夜》。樂隊曾擔任澳洲 Truth Corroded、Ne Obliviscaris、星加坡 Behelliom、日本 Defiled 、菲律賓 Intolerant 及臺灣 Chthontic閃靈樂團的暖埸樂隊。Formed in 2002, Evocation 招魂 is considered to be one of the leading black death metal bands in HK. It was founded by Tomy Chiu, the vocal and guitarist and there was a few lineup shifts in the past 11 years. And the current lineup was formed since 2010: Tai Tam (Guitar), Chung Chow (Bass), Man Leung (Drums), Jamline Lo (Synth)Evocation招魂won a 4th prize among 30 bands from all around the world in Wacken Open Air 2014 - Metal Battle. First ever in HK history.Evocation招魂 is characterized by its blending of Eastern instrumentation and black death metal. Much of the lyrical content is based on the interest in Taoism, Buddhism and the related evocation rites. Songs are written to inspire and awake the mass to walk out of the control of the authoritative dictatorship of any aspect. The latest album “天靈靈地靈靈” (“Abracadabra” in Chinese) was released in 2013. It was made to condemning the degenerating world through the Chinese ritual elegy lyrics and vocal. Songs were blended with doom harmony Taoist ambience with heavy and fast black death metal riffs. “天靈靈地靈靈” (“Abracadabra” in Chinese) is a traditional Taoist incantation to summon the great respectable old master Lao Zi. Surpassing the Human World, Heaven and Hell, Lao Zi’s philosophy were sung to crumble the curse of feudalism.The debut album “Take Your Soul” was released in 2008. It is very dark and cold. It is strongly influenced by North European black metal with lyrics written to fulminate the hypocrites.Hong Kong was a borrowed city as a colony for more than a hundred years and was returned to China since after 1997. The tyrannized city is getting lost in its identity. Evocation is looking for a utopia in its music.



艺人: Evocation   专辑: 天靈靈地靈靈   吉他谱: 0   求谱: 1   拨片: 10   发 谱 求 谱