Gama Bomb
吉他谱: 8 粉丝: 2
也许在如今看似繁荣的thrash回潮当中,这样直接、纯粹、轻松的专辑更容易让人满足。不玩抒情,不搞氛围,也不炫技,编曲短小精悍,准确命中thrash的原始核心,Gama Bomb 的音乐似乎专门为party或者live准备的。08年的专辑记忆犹新,09年的新作又来了,这帮thrash愣头青还真是高效。曲风一如既往的爽快,不过总长度有些缩水,歌曲雷同度高的问题仍然存在。

by Eduardo Rivadavia
Gama Bomb hail from Dublin, Ireland, where bandmembers Philly Byrne (vocals), Domo Dixon (lead guitar), Luke Graham (rhythm guitar), Joe McGuigan (bass and vocals), and Paul Caffrey (drums) were raised on a varied diet of video games, horror movies, comic books, and, most important of all, classic '80s thrash. Originally founded in 2002, the group's constantly mobile lineups honed their sound on a pair of demos and countless live shows before debuting with 2005's self-explanatory Survival of the Fastest LP, which they recorded and released independently, and notably ahead of the curve where the imminent thrash revival was concerned. Therefore, once said revival actually started to take hold across the globe, it was no surprise to see Gama Bomb snapped up by Earache Records, which unleashed their accomplished sophomore album, Citizen Brain, in summer 2008.

