Ottmar Liebert
吉他谱: 15 粉丝: 6
在新世纪及世界音乐榜上名列前茅的,当今西班牙吉他高手Ottmar Liebert,他对自己创作音乐的定义是:在世界音乐裡掺入佛拉门哥的味道。

Ottmar Liebert的音乐正反映出他那与众不同的多样文化生长背景,父亲为中德混血、母亲为匈牙利人的Ottmar,出生于德国科隆。11岁时,母亲送给他一把吉他做为圣诞礼物, 从此Ottmar就和吉他结下不解之缘。后来进入学校研习古典吉他的Ottmar,在多年严格训练再加上他自己高人一等的优质天赋交相影响下,一手出神入化的演奏绝技自是不在话下。而在七○年代末、八○年代初,将事业发展重心自德国转移至美国波士顿的他,亦因杰出的技巧而被当时一些Fusion、Funk甚至摇滚乐团延揽为客座乐手。之后Ottmar则与他自组的Luna Negra (黑月)乐团在新世纪及世界音乐圈内闯出一番字号,而在移居美国西岸圣达菲后,Ottmar更以他的数张个人专辑接二连三成为全美新世纪音乐排行榜的常客,并且多次荣获葛莱美奖的提名.

Liebert has said that "flamenco is a music both romantic and dangerous; it is an attitude as much as it is a musical genre." Therein lies the philosophy that catapulted him to fame at the end of the '80s with an engaging mix of subdued flamenco guitar and South American percussion, rock, jazz, and pop influences. Liebert's "attitude" actually suppresses the more challenging and "dangerous" aspects of flamenco in favor of the romantic -- and the stylish. He's not a technical wizard on the guitar, but he has a feel for the music's innate sensuality and a gift for creating memorable melodies. Born in Cologne, Germany, to a Chinese-German father and a Hungarian mother, Liebert traveled throughout Russia and Asia before moving to Boston and eventually settling in Santa Fe, NM. After years of trying to hit the big time in various jazz-funk bands, he began playing acoustic guitar in Santa Fe restaurants. His first (self-produced) cassette, Nouveau Flamenco, was basically recorded for friends, but the album received heavy radio airplay on WAVE in Los Angeles. Higher Octave Records re-released it nationally in 1990. After his subsequent album Borrasca quickly climbed the charts, Liebert was picked up by a major label, Epic. With his exotic good looks and enigmatic stage presence, Liebert has brought flamenco to mainstream America with a certain level of class and accessibility. His prowess as a composer and instrumentalist has steadily improved over the years.


Shadow (Acoustic Version)

艺人: Ottmar Liebert   专辑: Bare Wood 2002-2012   吉他谱: 0   求谱: 1   拨片: 10   发 谱 求 谱

2 the Night

艺人: Ottmar Liebert   专辑: Euphoria: Nouveaumatic   吉他谱: 0   求谱: 1   拨片: 10   发 谱 求 谱