吉他谱: 49 粉丝: 2
                                来自澳洲的Wolfmother,成员包括鼓手Myles Heskett、贝斯/键盘手Chris Ross、以及主唱/吉他手Andrew Stockdale,在组成乐团之前Myles是个画家、Chris负责电脑影像处理的工作、Andrew则担任摄影师,他们对于运用各种形式来表达创意充满了高度热忱,其中当然包括了音乐;三人经常聚在一起把玩乐器、合力创作歌曲。Wolfmother于2004年初开始登台演出并独立推出首张EP,不仅顺利赢得唱片大厂的青睐,亦开始累积为数可观的歌迷。                       
by  Eduardo Rivadavia
Truly a band out of time, Australian power trio Wolfmother were conceived in 2000 -- about 30 years too late, considering that their psychedelic brand of proto-heavy metal sounds like a ringer for late-'60s/early-'70s bands such as Blue Cheer and Black Sabbath. Comprised of vocalist/guitarist Andrew Stockdale, bassist/organist Chris Ross, and drummer Myles Heskett, Wolfmother took the initiative of recording a four-track demo in 2004 for the purpose of getting booked for shows. But so sterling were the results that they soon found themselves re-recording it for official release via local Modular Records. A second EP, Dimensions, appeared in 2006, and Wolfmother made the jump to the majors in early 2006 courtesy of an American distribution deal for Modular through Interscope. Their self-titled album debut appeared in May and reached the Top 40.

