Mafalda Arnauth
吉他谱: 2 粉丝: 1
 在法朵(Fado)皇后Amalia Rodrígues于1999年逝世之后,新一代的法朵歌手逐渐在葡萄牙的土地上成长起来。这些女性为必要的音乐革新开创了道路,但却始终没有背离那位伟大女伶所赋予法朵音乐的精神。而年仅27岁的Mafalda Arnauth已成为上述这些年轻艺术家的其中一员。


人们常说“诗人们从不沉睡。”的确如此。Mafalda Arnauth继1999年大获成功的同名处女作之后,于2001年3月发行的第二张专辑便是充分的证明。"Esta Voz Que Me Atravessa"(这穿透我的声音)取材于Hélia Correia的诗歌,专辑制作人Amélia Muge和José Martins都是扎根于葡萄牙传统音乐的资深音乐家。这部作品充分反映了歌手的心灵与艺术成长,是上一张唱片优秀的延续与超越。之后不久,Mafalda Arnauth成为了在Virgin唱片公司拥有全球代理的第一位葡萄牙艺术家。


Born        October 4, 1974 (age 35) Origin        Lisbon, Portugal Genres        Fado Website Mafalda Arnauth is a fado singer. She was born in Lisbon, Portugal, in October 1974 and started her career in 1995 when invited by João Braga (an important fado singer) to participate in a concert at S. Luis's Theater. What initially was a single experience became a way of life. Today her contribution is recognized not only in Portugal but also in many foreign countries, where she regularly performs. Mafalda Arnauth, her first album released in 1999, was immediately acclaimed by specialists and won the Prize for Best Upcoming Voice by the weekly magazine Blitz, a sign that new generations are back into fado. After a year filled with concerts and important invitations that took her to the most important concert halls in The Netherlands, the Louisiana Centre (Denmark) and to Italy, to perform in the festival Sete-Sois, Sete-Luas, an important Mediterranean folk event, she sang at Centro Cultural de Belém (Lisbon), where she was warmly acclaimed by the press. Mafalda's second album, Esta voz que me atravessa (This voice that goes through me) was released in 2001 and it was produced by Amélia Muge and José Martins. Her album Encantamento was self-produced. She feels it "leaves fatality, disgrace, and nostalgia behind. Hope is fed on sadness; inspiration on suffering; strength and courage on difficulties." Discography Mafalda Arnauth (1999) CD Esta voz que me atravessa (2001) CD Encantamento (2003) CD Talvez se Chame Saudade (2005) Compilation Diário (2005) CD

