吉他谱: 0 粉丝: 1

目前是美容业者曾是新加坡知名电台广播员,也是歌手兼音乐创作人。1989开始活跃于新谣,1990年新谣节荣获最佳作曲奖。发行过多张个人专辑,如“亲亲你念着谁?““羞答答的玫瑰,静悄悄地开“,”天知道地知道你知道“,”一生燃烧着一次“等。1995-2000创作并主场多部新视连续剧主题曲,包括“昆仑奴““生命火花”,“真心男儿”,“阎罗传奇“,”曲终魂断“及“逐浪青春“。并为张学友,郑中基,许志安,赵永华,瞿颖,叶瑷玲,柯以敏等人创作歌曲。并以赵永华的“在沙漠的第七天“在1999年荣获台湾词曲创作人协会“年度最佳单曲之一“ 舞台及电视集的演出也都备受好评。2000年也出版了第一本文字小品“心情日记”,是新加坡少数才华型音乐人之一

Hi guys , this is Jiu Jian from Singapore. Frankly speaking this blog was specially started for my fans in China . I pushed myself to start off this blog to show my grattitude for fans in China, though after so many years , they were still discussing about my songs as well as searching for my news.
I have been very quiet and passive about the China market, cause i always thought deep inside, "i can't even managed to do a good job in my own country , how could i ever manage such a huge market like China". So when ever some one suggested me going fo the China market, i jus smiled away and never thought seriously about it for my 18 yrs of entertainment career.
In the beginning of August 06 , my long time good friend Liang Wen Fu msg me about fans searching and discussing about me and songs that i have sung 10 yrs ago in Singapore Chinese Drama Serial "Kun Lun Nu" , i was slight surprised but not exactly over whelmed :), i guessed i have pass the age of easily getting over excited. But i was very touched and some mixed feeling here and there, after 2 wks , i decided to start a personal blog , though with very busy schedule on hand for my own beauty business.
I might not be able to get into China market but i would like to thank all of you out there in my very own way.
(not forgetting some of my very quiet and well behaved supporters in Singapore, this is for you too!)
*i have chosen to do this blog in English and Chinese, cause its still faster to type in English, secondary, its a good chance for my fans in China to learn some English while getting to know more about me :0 锛?give me some time and i will share some of my daily life or happenings in Chinese )
Lets begin our journey, into the world of Jiu Ah Ge, ha! that was whay some of my listeners used to named me when i was with the radio station...............



艺人: 玖建   专辑: 燃烧   吉他谱: 0   求谱: 1   拨片: 10   发 谱 求 谱