Gonçalo Pereira
吉他谱: 9 粉丝: 2

Gon?alo Pereira的艺人档案

葡萄牙电吉他天王孔卡洛(Goncalo Pereira),挟持着葡萄牙盛世的威力,其吉他高超的演奏技巧、独特的音乐风格,使得孔卡洛18岁迅速在欧洲摇滚乐坛火速窜红,并以黑马的英姿傲视美国乐坛吉他巨匠。1998年孔卡洛荣获葡萄牙全国票选为最佳吉他乐手,这项殊荣立即让他稳站欧洲乐坛,成为葡萄牙的吉他巨匠象征。

  吉他中国&现代乐手&摇滚帝国首度联合邀请欧洲吉他巨匠之一,也是葡萄牙首席速弹吉他大师孔卡洛来中国献艺,他将带来不同的技艺及文化价值。   孔卡洛自从2000年初发行他个人第一张演奏专辑「神技」(Tricot No Pais Das Maravilhas) 之后,2001年他再接再励,发表第二张作品「魔指」(Upgrade),号称六指琴魔的非凡绝活,其不凡的奶O和超级的水准,让钗h人认为这样的绝技只有具备6只手指的人才有办法弹得出来。

  2003年底孔卡洛召集了昔日伙伴,贝斯手Dikk、鼓手Mauro Ramos、键盘手Nelson Canoa、键盘手Alexandre Mandia,于2004年初推出最新钜作@g_spot,这时他已经升格为音乐制作人,由于本张专辑气势的延伸,自芬兰的唱片公司LION MUSIC发出了吉他英雄帖,孔卡洛获邀录制向Shawn Lanes致敬的专辑Shawn Lane Remembered Vol I 。

  在最近这几年,以技巧取胜的乐手已经不多了,孔卡洛是继Joe Satriani和Steve Vai之后,能够让全世界乐坛发出惊叹号的超级全能吉他手,他和法国的Patrick Rondat、芬兰的Lars Eric Mattsson并称为欧洲的G3,并巡回于欧盟各国。Upgrade这张专辑,绝对够资格被列入电吉他演奏经典之作,而甫获肯定的最新专辑@g_spot,已被列入2004年十大吉他经典佳作。

  美国至圣琴尊 Neil Zaza 和 超级吉他蝴蝶手 Michael Angelo 等吉他大师均一致认为,当今新生代吉他英雄非葡萄牙的孔卡洛莫属,当 Neil 和 Michael 均双双举起姆指大声叫好孔卡洛时,英雄识英雄的凝重气氛尽在不言中。

Gonçalo Pereira is a Portuguese guitarist. He has recorded three albums, Tricôt no País das Maravilhas (1998), Upgrade (1999), and his latest GoncaloPereira@g spot (2004). Recently, he has also produced his first DVD titled Another Day In Another World. He is also a member of the portuguese rock band Blister. Gonçalo is a former member of Paulo Gonzo's band and recorded the albums Quase Tudo and Suspeito.

Pereira's technique consists of fast picking, synchronized with strong left hand co-ordination using all fingers to create fast movements along the fretboard, with a constant attention to melody. Gonçalo also brought back an electric guitar adaptation of the song "Movimento Perpétuo" (Eternal Movement) by Carlos Paredes.[citation needed] Gonçalo Pereira's main and most obvious influences in guitar technique and songwriting are Nuno Bettencourt, Steve Vai, and Paul Gilbert.



艺人: Gonçalo Pereira   专辑: Tricot No Pais das Maravilhas   吉他谱: 0   求谱: 1   拨片: 10   发 谱 求 谱