吉他谱: 39 粉丝: 5

Roxette来自国际流行音乐重镇瑞典,由男成员佩·格斯勒(Per Gessle)和女成员玛丽·费德里克森(Marie Fredriksson)组成。词曲作者、主唱、吉他手per1959年1月生于瑞典南部的哈尔姆斯塔德市,女歌手marie 1958年5月30日生于瑞典的阿尔沃斯塔市。per从七岁起就开始着迷于The Beatles、猫王Elvis Presley 的音乐,17岁开始学习吉他,不久组成了他的第一个乐队Graperock,1980年,per另组Gyllene Tider乐队,一曲“Flickorna Pa TV2"使他在瑞典初获成功。marie在加入Roxette之前便是瑞典一位颇有名气的女歌手,在1986年以前推出过3张个人专辑。

    per和 marie1978年相识于哈尔姆斯塔德市的一家摇滚俱乐部,俩人都爱好美国60年代的摇滚乐。1986年,他们正式走到了一起, 组建了Roxette!同年,Roxette的首张专辑《Pearls Of Passion》推出后在瑞典一炮而红。

    为了取得更大的发展, 他们决定用英文演唱,走出瑞典,走向世界。 1989年,Roxette在EMI旗下推出了《Look sharp》专辑,迅速在世界各地走红。 “the look”、“listen to your heart”带着悦耳动听的旋律和激动人心的节奏传遍了世界,也传入了我们的耳中。

    近期阔别两年后,Roxette终于在1999年三月推出他们的第十张专辑:"Have a nice day",这张新专辑在北欧各国推出时大破销售记录。 三日内立即登上销售冠军,首支单曲"Wish I Could Fly"也迅速登上排行榜首位,证明他们仍是深受歌迷们喜欢的最佳组合。新专辑首支单曲"Wish I Could Fly"是Roxette最擅长的抒情摇滚乐曲,表现出沉醉于恋爱中的心情。

    2001年他们的专辑《Room Service》,再一次的取得了成功。

It's tempting to write Roxette off as nothing more than a shallow pop/rock band, but their shameless hooks are precisely what makes them so enjoyable. Roxette has a knack for writing extremely catchy and simple hooks and melodies that are sweet but not saccharine; it's radio-friendly pop, but the hooks don't wear thin with repeated plays. The duo of guitarist Per Gessle and vocalist Marie Fredriksson released an album in 1986 that didn't display much of their talents, but the infectious follow-up, 1988's Look Sharp!, brought them to the top of the charts in America and England; 1991's Joyride was almost equally successful. After a couple years off, Roxette returned with a new album, Crash! Boom! Bang!, in 1994; Baladas en Español followed in 1997, and two years later the duo returned with the EP Stars. In 2000, Roxette signed to Edel and released the greatest-hits collection Don't Bore Us Get to the Chorus and began work on their next album.

