吉他谱: 0 粉丝: 1


  Schnuffel (英文: Snuggles ,法文:Lapin Calin )是一只可爱动画兔子,在2007年底由德国多媒体公司Jamba!为其推销手机铃声。之后由德国童星组合Sebastian Nussbaum 和 Andreas Wendorf为Schnuffel录制了第一首单曲Kuschel Song ("cuddling song")。单曲释放后立即占据德国和欧洲各国排行榜的首位,这首歌的国际版被翻译成10种语言和漫画。

  在德国,单曲"Kuschel Song" 取得白金地位后,已经超过30万份销售量。之后推出的专辑"Ich hab′Dich lieb"也在德国获得金奖。

by Jason Birchmeier
The animated cartoon bunny Schnuffel scored a chart-topping hit single in the German-language world in 2008 with "Kuschel Song" (in English, "Snuggle Song"), an adorably cute ode to his carrot. Conceived by Jamba!, the same Berlin-based mobile phone content provider that gave life to the Crazy Frog phenomenon, the animated cartoon bunny proved so popular -- for instance, hitting number one in Germany and Austria and number two in Switzerland -- that Sony BMG released a full-length Schnuffel album, Ich Hab' Dich Lieb (2008), and also marketed "Kuschel Song" internationally, translating the song into languages including English, Spanish, and Dutch.


Schnuffels Weihnachtslied

艺人: Schnuffel   专辑: Schnuffels Weihnachtslied   吉他谱: 0   求谱: 2   拨片: 20   发 谱 求 谱

Kuschel Song

艺人: Schnuffel   专辑: Ich Hab' Dich Lieb   吉他谱: 0   求谱: 1   拨片: 10   发 谱 求 谱