吉他谱: 0 粉丝: 1

 Ann' Sannat 是一只来自摩尔多瓦的新民谣团体,成立于1998年,由几个70后组合而成。女主唱 Inna BOndari 是个外形独特甜美的女孩,拥有着冷静美妙很有杀伤力的嗓音。Alexander Samodum,乐团的吉他手,是个用情绪来弹琴的乐手,简单的旋律里让人能听到一种无限的思绪,每个音符都仿佛叙说着一个故事。Eduard Suhari,不知道这个人是否是乐团的核心,他在乐团里负责笛子、萧、曼陀铃、吉他和部分Bass,演奏得非常感人。Olga Kent,能演奏出奇妙旋律的中提琴手,Ann' Sannat 的曲子,每首歌的亮点都在于中提琴的旋律,极其美妙。

The present group composition has existed from 1998. They began their activity from the concerts in different clubs of Chisinau (the capital of Republic of Moldova) where all the musicians live. The first demo album named "Ann'Sannat" (means "the elves fairy tales" taken from the fictive language of the English writer J.R.R. Tolkien) was recorded in 1998.
During 1999-2003 they gave a number of concerts in Moldavia, the Ukraine, Russia, Romania, and Hungary.
At the beginning of 2000 the band recorded their second release named "Welcome into the Morning". "Ann'Sannat" after beiparticipated in Celtic festivals in Russia, Romania and Hungary.

