Fujiya & Miyagi
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Fujiya & Miyagi的艺人档案

首先,fujiya And miyagi不是日本的乐队,成员都是地地道道的英国人,他们长得也不象日本人。对于团名,成员David这么解释:“Miyagi出自一部叫《龙威小子》(Karate Kid)的系列电影,Fujiya则是个电唱机的名字,我们取这个名字,是因为他们写下来之后看上去很牛逼”。在《photocopier》中,他们咕叨着“We were just pretending to be Japanese,We were just pretending to be Japanese,We were just pretending to be Japanese……"。
  其次,乐队的官方站点(http://www.fujiya-miyagi.co.uk/)挺“人性化”。你可以选择看段视频之后进入站点,也可以不看视频进入站点;当你不知道是看还是不看的时候,选择“don't know”吧,你发现,你去了google。想到官网上扒资料的念头可以打消了,凡是正常的乐队站点上应该有的东西他们这上头都没,不过这不代表他们的站点是在瞎胡闹,新专集里有个歌叫<>,在进入站点之后那些还算清晰的线框图中找到“lyrics”,弹出窗口之后点“K”这个按扭,你看到什么了?对,一盘录音带。
  言归正传了,这是本周我听得最多的一张专集,从第一首歌就开始喜欢。简单、幽默、流行、碎碎念,这些是Fujiya And Miyagi的特色,舒服、不累。可以把fujiya and miyagi的音乐打上nu-krautrock的标签,amazon上,<>的关联选项中是这样一些乐队:Neu!、Can、Cluster、Kraftwerk,这些老鬼在上世纪七十年代的电子乐界大放异彩过。有人甚至把Neu!说成那种仅用两三张专辑就在摇滚乐的历史上造成了独特的影响,是跟the beatles一样的殿堂级人物。至于Kraftwerk,就更耳熟能详了。<>多少有向那个短暂的krautrock时代致敬的味道,因此,他们的东西听起来象Neu!也就不足为怪了。
  PS:Fujiya And Miyagi目前的成员为David Best(人声、吉他,他是“Miyagi”)、Steve Lewis(键盘、打击乐,他是“Fujiya”)和Matt Hainsby(贝司、吉他,他是“And" -_-!)

by Stewart Mason
Despite the name, Fujiya & Miyagi are neither Japanese nor a duo. The electronic trio of singer and guitarist David Best, synth player Steve Lewis, and bassist Matt Hainsby are deeply indebted both to vintage '70s Krautrock and the '90s bands that were themselves influenced by the likes of Neu! and Kraftwerk, from Stereolab and Broadcast to Aphex Twin and the Orb. The group started in the coastal city of Brighton, England, in 1999, when Best and Lewis first met in a pickup football game. Taking their name at random from Mr. Miyagi in The Karate Kid and a brand of stereo equipment, Best and Lewis recorded their first album, Electro Karaoke in the Negative, as a duo, releasing it on the Tirk Records label in 2003. In preparation for touring behind the album, Best and Lewis formed a full-band iteration of Fujiya & Miyagi, including bassist Grunder and drummer Matthew Avery. When recording sessions started for the band's second album, Best and Lewis felt the four-piece lineup didn't work in the studio and reverted briefly to a duo before adding Hainsby on bass and additional keyboards. Thus constituted, Fujiya & Miyagi completed their second album, Transparent Things, which was released in the spring of 2006.


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艺人: Fujiya & Miyagi   专辑: Lightbulbs   吉他谱: 0   求谱: 1   拨片: 10   发 谱 求 谱


艺人: Fujiya & Miyagi   专辑: Lightbulbs   吉他谱: 0   求谱: 1   拨片: 9   发 谱 求 谱