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也许你还并不太了解这支来自美国佛罗里达的乐队Genitorturers,但如果我们提到另一支同样来自佛州的乐队Morbid Angel,相信每一位金属乐迷都会对他们的历史如数家珍。Genitorturers译为生殖折磨者,顾名思义这的确是一支以SM性虐作为主题的工业金属乐队。Morbid Angel主唱兼贝司手David Vincent与妻子Gen是该乐队的核心人物。其实,与其说这是他们二人的乐队,倒不如说是Gen找来大名鼎鼎的丈夫为自己的乐队增光添彩。

Gen出生于美国新墨西哥州的阿尔伯克基市,最早她曾在一支车库朋克乐队中演奏贝司。17岁时Gen来到佛罗里达的奥兰多学习微生物学,但在不久之后她便退学到一家摇滚电台中工作。1986年,Gen创建了Genitorturers乐队,她自己在队内担任主唱与吉他手。直到1993年,在乐队录制首张专辑《120 Days of Genitorture》的时候才找到了固定乐手Jerry(吉他)、Sean(贝司)以及A. Wolfgang R.(鼓手)。Genitorturers的音乐融合了重金属与硬核朋克以及工业电子等较为重型的音乐元素,再加上队内成员性感妖艳的SM装扮,乐队很快便在全美走红。华盛顿邮报、洛杉矶时报、Hard Copy、HBO’s Real Sex以及Palyboy电视台等各路媒体,都纷纷评价Genitorturers为“性感绝伦的”,似乎乐队给观众带来的视觉的冲击更超过了他们所创作出的声音。

在首张专辑的发行大获成功之后,地区性的巡演便是乐队下一步该做的事情。Genitorturers选择了美国与日本(两个SM大国),带着他们狂放不羁的音乐与热辣性感的服饰,全世界范围内的歌迷开始为他们的Sexy Star疯狂不已。紧接下来,Genitorturers的举动更加出人意料,他们竟在eBay网上开始了一年一度的名为“EVENING OF TORTURE”(酷刑的夜晚)的SM器具拍卖,这样的举动不仅仅在歌迷当中,甚至在全球热衷于SM的人群中都引起了强烈的反响。

Gen的丈夫David Vincent于1996年正式加入Genitorturers担任贝司手,乐队的第二张专辑《Sin City》在1998年由Cleopatra唱片公司录制并发行。在而后的1999年中,乐队最为成功的也是最具影响力的专辑《Machine Love》问世。该专辑的两位制作人Dave Ogilvie(曾担任Skinny Puppy和NIN的制作人)和Scott Humphrey(Rob Zombie的制作人)都是唱片界中极具名望的人物,有了他们的亲自操刀,乐队更可谓是大放异彩。在世界各地喜爱Genitorturers的乐迷们中,他们都将自己称之为“Genheads”,他们说Genitorturers将SM虐待与被虐的残酷魅力表达得令人无法抗拒并愈发上瘾与沉迷。我觉得,用Genitorturers在2002年发行的唱片标题来说明这支乐队对于SM的看法似乎最为合适,那就是“Flesh Is The Law”,肉体即法律!

This is the story of the Phenomenon known as the GENITORTURERS whose audio-visual exploits have earned them the title as “ THE WORLDS SEXIEST ROCK BAND”!

The players:

GEN: Vocals, Ringleader, Instigator of Official Debauchery

Evil "D" David Vincent: Bass guitar, Upright bass

Bizz: Guitar

Originating in Orlando Florida, Gen gave birth to the concept of Genitorturers while in college studying pre-med.

The Genitorturers cut their teeth, honing their music and live show initially in the early 90's Florida "Hardcore" music scene. What emerged would be a band that would go beyond shaking up the house that "Mickey" built and extend to paving the way and breaking ground for performance based music artists thereafter worldwide.

In 1993 the band caught the ear of Miles Copeland owner of IRS records, who had discovered and created careers for acts like REM, GoGo's, The Bangles, Concrete Blond and STING. He was drawn to the band whose live shows were becoming infamous regionally and quickly sent his assistant Nick Turner ( former drummer for Lords of the New Church) to Florida to check out the band. Upon witnessing the power of the bands live show which included a music style which crossed over from hardcore punk into metal with industrial electronic elements, the band was offered a record contract and set out to record "120 Days of Genitorture".

Since their 1993 IRS Records debut release of "120 Days of Genitorture", the band has been covered by many high profile media outlets. Television coverage has included features on VHI, Fox News, Hard Copy, HBO’s Real Sex and Playboy TV’s “SEXCETERA”.

With over 5,000 pages of articles, recent printmedia coverage has included a feature in Gene Simmons "Tongue" magazine and 12 pages in Hustler magazine.. the ONLY multi-page spread EVER with a rock band.

In addition, extensive touring in the U.S., Europe and JAPAN have garnered them a devoted fan base worldwide, a growing number of whom travel to repeat shows calling themselves “GENHEADS” or fight tooth and nail when the band auctions off their annual “EVENING OF TORTURE" on EBAY. Lead singer Gen has even been the subject of a British release feature film “Preaching to the Perverted” a fictional account exploring her life and exploits.

Today GENITORTURERS have succeeded in making believers of even the stodgiest music critics who prior to witnessing them live had all but written them off as some kind of gimmick....“Yes, they have their schtick......but can they play? You betcha!. Their hard driving yet brutally sexy rock and roll sucks you in.. and once you are there you are hooked!

The bands release “Flesh is the Law “ is sure to satisfy any aural fixation and includes the track "Lecher Bitch" which was released worldwide on the videogame & soundtrack release "Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines"

Earlier releases have included the cd " Machine Love” which includes an incredible remake of the Divinyl’s hit “Touch Myself” produced by Dave Ogilvie(Skinny Puppy, NIN) and Rob Zombie producer Scott Humphrey .


Devil In A Bottle

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