Mandragora Scream
吉他谱: 0 粉丝: 2

Mandragora Scream(尖叫曼陀林)是一支来自德国的歌特金属乐队,主唱Morgan Lacroix非凡的音乐才华(主唱兼词曲作者)造就了乐队出道两年便在德国乃至整个欧洲歌特金属界声名鹤起,Morgan的嗓音质感鲜明,她唱出的音符有不可磨灭的悲哀, 乐队吉他手Terry Horn妖艳而冷酷的吉他演奏透着阴郁的寒气   Morgan Lacroix早在1997年就有组建Mandragora Scream乐队的想法,直到1999年她在意大利的NEW SIN STUDIOS录音室完成录制了一张样本唱片"Promo Track 99"后才付诸实施。   
2000年夏季Mandragora Scream最终成为一个整体,2000年至2001年之间,Morgan Lacroix和Terry Horn两人一起开始着手制作Mandragora Scream的第一张专辑"Fairy Tales From Hell's Caves"(地狱召唤)由NUCLEAR BLAST公司发行。讲的大至是地狱里疯狂的痛苦、令人厌恶的病痛、可以致人窒息的毒气以及非同寻常的吸血鬼... 2002年Mandragora Scream制作的第二张专辑"A Whisper Of Dew(露水的私语)将于2003年2月10日由NUCLEAR BLAST公司发行。这张概念歌特金属专辑讲的是关于吸血鬼的故事,故事的作者是Jlio,新专辑将和小说一起发行。   
乐队的核心人物--诗人、作家、歌手、词曲作者Morgan Lacroix和吉他手Terry Horn包办了专辑作品的大部分创作和编曲,其他部分由乐队其他成员完成。   
到音乐中去体验激情,Mandragora Scream乐队树立了自己的音乐特色,他们投身于音乐最迷人的领域展现来自远古召唤的音乐魔力,展开了他们的音乐旅程。 保持坚定的信念和目标,Mandragora Scream乐队大气的音乐作品永远会带给听众美好的感受!

The MANDRAGORA SCREAM project - dark-gothic-rock band - takes shape in 1997 from an idea of the band’s lead singer MORGAN LACROIX. In 1999 Morgan cuts a demo CD with four tracks, titled "PromoTrack99" at the NEW SIN studios in Italy.

In 2000, Morgan is introduced to singer, guitarist and composer Terry Horn. The result of this magical artistic union is the debut album "FAIRY TALES FROM HELL'S CAVES", distributed in 2001 by German independent label NUCLEAR BLAST/CAPIRANHA RECORDS.

Fairy Tales is definitely a concept album: a trip throughout the Dantean Hell, tormented by passion, anguish and insanity, where the character of Virgil is surprisingly replaced by an unusual bewitching vampire fairy.

In 2002 MANDRAGORA SCREAM release their second album "A Whisper of Dew", distributed by NUCLEAR BLAST. Once again a concept album, centred on the enthralling vampire story purposely written for the band by Julio Angel Olivares Merino, horror-gothic literature writer and “ English Philosophy ” Teacher at the Spanish “UNIVERSIDAD DE JAEN”. Drawing inspiration from this tale, Morgan has composed the entire album lyrics.

The two projects end up selling over 24.000 records on the whole and are received with stunning appraisal words from the critics, winning the consent of the greatest rock magazines worldwide.

METAL HAMMER April 2003: “A charming vampire concept story, composed by Spanish writer Julio Angel Olivares Merino represents the basis for the extraordinary ‘A Whisper of Dew’, second album by Mandragora Scream, one of the most appealing gothic bands who grew up in our peninsula…”
METAL SHOCK March 2003: “Fortified by the success of their debut album ‘Fairy Tales From Hell’s Caves’, both in terms of critics and audience, Mandragora Scream are finally back after two years of silence with their new ‘A Whisper of Dew’…..”.
ROCK SOUND March 2003 : “Plunged deeply in their vampire world since ‘Fairy Tales Form Hell’s Caves’, Mandragora Scream are back on the scene to have themselves newly acclaimed. Their latest ‘Whisper of Dew’ is proposing different shades and atmospheres….

