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Welcome to the Mis-Teeq zone(欢迎进入Mis-Teeq地带)”一句机械化的声音揭开了专辑《Eye Candy》的序幕。这让人回想起R&B乐团A Tribe Called Quest的专辑《Midnight Marauders》以霸蠵rince的那个家伙的作品《The Gold Experience》,当然这都是那种计算机制造的声音给人带来的胡乱联想。于是你也会留下对这张专辑的印象,就是Mis-Teeq已成为机器人音乐产品线上的工具,他们的人声和音乐也成为机械节奏的附属品。

作为开始曲目,虽然《My Song》显得名不副实,没有出众之处,也没有吸引人的地方,但第二首单曲《Scandalous》则形象的说明了整张专辑的特性。把性感撩人的人声编入冷漠的节拍中,然后有女妖一样的吟唱,管弦乐,滴答声,背景中的hip hop跺脚节奏,以及霓虹灯闪烁般的咝咝声。《Nitro》则把Janet Jackson,Lil' Kim和Missy Elliott的音乐放入搅拌机,生产出这么一种奇怪的效果。《That's Just Not Me》 甚至把数字化reggae舞曲狼吞虎咽,拼凑出那么一种赤裸裸的流行调子。

这个三人组合的目标也需要外在的力量来实现,Salaam Remi曾帮助The Fugees成为一个世界范围的流行巨星,另外还有一群音乐边缘人如Ed Case和Mushtaq。不过不管跟谁合作,Mis-Teeq听起来都显得有些傲慢也无懈可击。

也许我们永远不知道,如果没有Destiny's Child(真命天女),Mis-Teeq将会在流行乐坛占有什么位置。但《Eye Candy》确实值得先听一听。

by Ed Nimmervoll
In 2000, the female vocal group known as Mis-teeq took Britain by storm with their debut single, "Why?" The single was originally an R&B-style tune, but with the aid of garage exponent Matt "Jam" Lamont, a remix was born which became a smash in the underground garage scene and huge radio hit. Mis-Teeq had made their mark with a unique bend of R&B, garage, and rap. Mis-Teeq christened their style "U.K. Urban."

Alesha and Sabrina met at a dance school in South West London and had formed a duo. They met Su-Elise while she was auditioning for another group. They ended up signed by the same production company, and after spending time together, decided to become a group, with the addition of a fourth member, Zena. But Zena was consequently pushed out of the lineup for the sake of "harmony and balance." "Why" became a hit despite its appearance on a number of dance compilations, and an early lack of media support. They followed "Why" with the international hits "All I Want" and "One Night Stand." Mis-Teeq's music remained unreleased in America until a self-titled full-length containing the best of both U.K. albums corrected the situation in 2004.

