吉他谱: 357 粉丝: 391

主音吉他/主唱:Kurt Cobain (1967—1994)NIRVANA乐队灵魂人物,是摇滚乐坛Grunge风格的代表者。

柯特生于1967年2月20日,8岁时父母离异,随母亲生活。在14岁生日那天他得到了第一把吉它, 从此与摇滚音乐结下了不解之缘。他同少年好友奎斯·诺沃瑟里克(Chris Novoselic)以及后来加入其中 的戴夫·格罗尔(Dave Grohl)组成了震撼世界的乐队——Nirvana。柯特和Nirvana在摇滚界取得的巨大成功,时至今日人们还觉得不可思议。评论界对柯特音乐的冲击力与震撼力赞不绝口,全世界成千上万的人为他们的音乐所倾倒。他们的成功给地下音乐界带来了一场革命,从此Grunge的大旗高高飘扬。取得巨大成功后的柯特·科本却不堪声名带给他的重负,他最终发现在那些荣誉与欢呼声背后,人们并不真正理解他的音乐,只是盲目地一哄而上,他感到彻骨的悲怆与孤独,只好将迷幻和麻醉作为逃避,终于,1994年4月的一天,他以一颗子弹结束了自己的生命, 从此Nirvana也随之解散。

贝司:Krist Novoselic Nirvana的低音贝司手。 Chris有时常将自己的名字拼为Krist,就像Kurt喜欢用Kurdt,Cobain也即是Kobain一样。Krist 1965年5月16日出生于加州的康普敦,其父母是从克罗地亚来的移民。其全家于1979年迁至阿伯丁。同Kurt一样,Krist安静,沉闷,只喜欢听摇滚乐。1983年其父母离异,他无所事事的从高中毕了业,就呆在家里苦练吉他。在the Melvins排练使他遇到了Kurt,两人同病相怜的成了死党。

鼓手:Dave Grohl 1987年 Aaron Burckhard 成为他们的鼓手,1988年Nirvana 签约 Sub Pop,由于 Burckhard 经常不参加乐队的排练,被 Chad Channing 替代。1989年2月Channing离开了 Nirvana,Dave Grohl 加入:Dave Grohl。 1969年1月14日出生于俄亥俄州的沃伦。6岁时父母离异。高中时组建了他的第一支乐队,当时他弹吉他。当他发现乐队鼓手技术太粗糙时,便自己坐到鼓架前狂练鼓技,他疯狂的扒带,16岁时加入了当地的Scream作鼓手,并就此退学1990年9月,当Dave所在的Scream巡演到洛杉矶市,乐队的贝司手因为感情问题退出,巡演停止,Dave囊中羞涩进退两难,他的朋友、the Melvins的奥斯本让他同涅磐联系,在短暂的交谈后,Dave立即飞到了西雅图。


Nirvana是一支80年代末诞生,在九十年代盛极一时的摇滚乐队。灵魂人物Kurt Cobain 和前The Melvins乐队成员Krist(后来改成Chris) Novoselic组成了乐队的核心,乐队的鼓手和乐队的名字多次更换,在录制第二张唱片的时候固定了Dave Grohl的鼓手位置。Kurt负责主音和吉它,Chris负责低音吉它。乐队名字的意思是:完美的天赐的福。经过无数次舞台表演后,Nirvana在 1988年11月推出第一张单曲唱片:LoveBuzz/BigCheese,1989年6月发行第一张专集:「Bleach」,才花费了600多美元。这张专辑出人意料地成了大学电台的热门货,总共销出了3500张。Nirvana由此成为了大学校园里的新宠。从此,Nirvana从地下音乐乐队开始登陆世界摇滚乐坛。1991年4月,Nirvana和Geffen Records唱片公司正式签约。同年九月,「Nevermind」发行,第一周在美国Billboard榜上排第144位。1992年1月11日成为美国销量第一的唱片。这张只用了一个半星期就录制完的唱片开头并未被唱片公司看好,事实证明,这张专辑在美国行情火爆,首批5万张迅速告罄,一时竟出现了供不应求的景象。

其中的单曲"痛苦心灵的气息"(SmellsLike Teen Spirit)的MTV频密疯狂的播放令乐队一时间声名远扬。在1992年初,这首歌打入了美国排行榜的前10名。而「Nevermind」最终也将迈克尔.杰克逊(Michael Jackson)的《危险》(Dangerous)从专辑榜首位拉下马来。不多久,又打入了英国榜的前10名。仅到2月,这张专辑就已达到3000万张的销量。同时,乐队成员频繁地参加各类巡演、颁奖活动。在一次 "星期六晚间现场演出"中,他们仿效Jimi Hendrix在台上火烧吉他、捣毁器材,并且Novoselic和Grohl竟还在大庭广众之下相拥接吻,这使得现场的气氛达到了沸腾。

Kurt Cobain认为他们的成功只是凑巧。"在美国至少有15支乐队比我们更好,他们想的话,他们也可以做到的。"Kurt的创作风格在这次录制中给别人留下很深印象,他经常在录制前几分钟乱改旋律和歌词。鼓手Dave说并不想做什么"失落的一代"的代言人,虽然舆论界这样称呼他们。1992年,Kurt娶了另一支地下摇滚乐队--"洞穴"(Hole)的主唱歌手考特尼.洛夫(CourtneyLove)为妻。

不久后宣布他们的孩子将于当年秋天降生。但这时有传闻说这对夫妻都是毒瘾很大的海洛因嗜好者。而当Nirvana接二连三地取消夏季的演唱会时这种说法似乎已被证实了。Cobain 则辩称那是他患慢性胃病的缘故。但当有人在报纸上撰文称洛夫在怀孕期间仍继续服用毒品时,舆论哗然了。Cobain和Love自然对这篇文章进行了严厉的批驳。1992年8月18日,Love产下了一个健康的婴儿,但由于文章的影响,根据洛杉矶儿童保护条例这个名叫弗朗斯.比恩.科班(France Bean Cobain)的女婴一出世便与父母隔离开来,直到1993年初Cobain夫妇才重获对她的监护权。Nirvana并没有因为取得成功就失落掉地下摇滚乐队的风范。

他们把以前Singles的Side-B的和一些还没发行过的歌收集在一起,于1992年12月15日,推出专集「Incesticide」。乐队成员表示这张唱片的目的是为了试试听众和电台DJ接受地下摇滚的极限。"不管是听收音机或者看电视MTV的歌迷,我确实想试试他们到底他们能不能忍受我们这张唱片。"较上两张专辑而言,《乱伦》更显古怪离奇。由于它无整体性慨念,所以对"涅盘"极端和矛盾的一面倒是有了充分的体现。该专辑获得了美国榜第39名和英国榜第14名的成绩。1993年九月,专集「In Utero」(子宫内部)发行。公司请来了著名的制作人Steve Albini为他们监制唱片。不巧的是这时发生了Cobain因服用海洛因过量而欲拔枪自杀的事件,这令Nirvana几乎崩溃,同时DGC对「In Utero」小样非商业化的处理表示极为不满。于是R.E.M的制作人斯科特.利特(Scott Litt)走马上任,接替了Albini的位置。它的成功无疑给处于内外交困中的"涅盘"注入了一针强心剂。这张唱片一经推出,即打上英美两地排行榜的首位。乐队本身技巧的日益成熟加上更为严格的制作,使这张唱片显得非常专业化。乐器的编排和混音的效果让人感觉到Nirvana已经不是以前那个喜欢在小型舞台表演的乐队了。


一个月后,MTV在全美播出这场演唱会。之后,他们又赴欧洲巡演。但在罗马期间,Cobain又萌生了自杀的念头,人们还发现了他写好的遗书。1994年3月1日,Nirvana在德国慕尼黑的演出成为乐队最后的一次公开表演。回国后,Cobain被强制送往康复中心戒毒。但仅过了两天,他便成功地从医院逃脱。1994年4月5日,Kurt Cobain开枪自杀。3天后,一个电工在工作时发现了Kurt Cobain的尸体,尸体身边带有一封遗书。在葬礼上,遗孀Courtney当众口述了此遗书。1994年11月,Nirvana在MTV演出的录音作为专集『Unplugged in New York』发行。1996年10月,原乐队低音吉它手Chris在超过100个小时的演唱会录音里面挑出16首歌,作为演唱会录音剪辑。 『From the Muddy Banks Of The Wishkah』发行。


90年代,美国的失业危机重新抬头,朋克乐在音乐界再度爆炸,西雅图的Grunge音乐风暴引起了强烈的反响与轰动,Nirvana就是在这样的背景下诞生的,乐队由Kurt Cobain和前The Melvins的成员 Krist Novoselic组建,Dave Grohl在录制第二张唱片(Nevermind)固定了的鼓手位置,Kurt Cobain负责主音和吉它, Chris负责低音吉它。

1988年11月Nirvana推出了第一张Single:Love Buzz/Big Cheese,1989年6月发行第一张专集"Bleach"。Nirvana的第一张专辑,Dale crover负责Floyd the Barder, Paper Cuts, Downer的鼓,其余由Chad Channing负责。唱片的录制费用是6.17,付钱的是Jason Everman,他在唱片里面连名字都未给提起。唱片的录制时间是30小时。 Downer只收录在CD版本里面。唱片由Sup Pop Records发行,92年4月Geffen公司Remaster发行。

1991年四月,Nirvana正式和Geffen Records 唱片公司签约。同年九月,专集"Nevermind"发行,刚推出5周销量就已达到50万张,并且在排行榜上势如破竹,节节上升, 92年1月11日成为美国销量第一的唱片,全球的销量超过一千万大关。在商业上取得了巨大的成功。单曲“Smells Like Teen Spirit”在美国BillBoard公告排行榜上迅速攀升。(Nevermind)使Nirvana步向成功,同时也开始了一个神话和一场心灵的悲剧。


1993年9月,请来了著名的反商业的制作人Steve Albini为他们作监制,发行了"In Utero",这是摇滚史上最佳朋克专集之一,乐队配合的天衣无缝,把Kurt Cobain 内心的狂燥、愤怒、压抑、扭曲、病态、激烈的矛盾冲突完全显示了出来,同时也反映了KURT温柔、感性的一面。使Grunge风暴达到了极点,接近燃烧。Steve Albini试图录制一张原汁原味的朋克专辑。他运用了比以前更为丰富的音乐素材,并且在其核心蕴涵着袒露Cobain最深层的恐惧和脆弱的心,象“RAPE ME”这样个人化的歌曲的直面痛苦的展现,在现在作一回顾,也许可以看作是一种警告,它在当初被与这个烦恼的歌手最亲密的人们所忽视。但是作为艺术,这正是它的朋克所在。

1993年11月18日,Nirvana应邀为MTV 制作"Unplugged"演唱会,演出了一场经典的演唱会。
1994年3月1日,Nirvana在德国慕尼黑的演出成为乐队最后的一次公开表演。1994年4月8日,一个电工在 Kurt的住所发现了他的尸体,尸体身边带有一封遗书。西雅图警方证明Kurt Cobain于三天前自杀身亡。


    1965-5-16 Krist Anthony Novoselic出生
    1967-1-31 Chad Channing出生
    1967-2-20 Kurt Donald Cobain出生
    1969-1-14 David Eric Grohl出生
    1975-?-? Kurt的父母离异  随其母亲生活
    1978-2-? Kurt的父亲再婚
    1979-?-? Krist家搬到阿伯丁
    1980-6-? Krist到克罗地亚亲戚家生活一年
    1981-2-20 Kurt得到他的第一把吉他
    1983-?-? Krist高中毕业
    1984-5-? Kurt的母亲再婚
    1985-5-? Kurt从高中退学
    1988-1-23 NIRVANA同Dale Crover一起录制小样
    1988-10-30 Kurt砸碎第一把吉他,地点为常青州大学
    1988-11-? 单曲"Love Buzz/Big Cheese"发行
    1989-2-? 在录制完"Bleach"之后 乐队在美国西海岸作短斯巡演
    1989-6-? 推出"Bleach"专辑
    1989-6-22 "Bleach"巡演从旧金山开始
    1989-7-? 录制"Blew"EP(未发行)
    1989-10-20 从英国开始第一次欧洲巡演
    1989-12-30 Krist同Shelli成婚
    1990-2-? NIRVANA开始第二次短期美国巡演
    1990-3-? Chad离队以后 乐队作共7场的美国西海岸巡演
    1990-4-10 违禁的无照演唱会
    1990-7-11 单曲"Sliver"录完
    1990-9-22 西雅图摩托车赛场演出 Dan Peters参与的唯一一场正式演出
    1991-1-1 录制"Anuerysm"和"Even In His Youth"
    1991-4-17 首次演出"Even In His Youth"
    1991-4-30 同Geffen公司签约
    1991-5-? 开始录制"Nevermind"
    1991-8-? 大型欧洲巡演开始
    1991-8-? "Even In His Youth"录相录制完成
    1991-9-13 "Nevermind"发行会
    1991-9-20 "Nevermind"巡演从多伦多开始
    1991-9-24 "Nevermind"发行 在公告牌上名列第144名
    1991-10-25 Kurt和Krist为MTV台录制访谈节目
    1991-11-2 从英国布里斯托开始"Nevermind"欧洲巡演
    1991-11-19 NIRVANA罗马演唱会
    1991-12-? 同Pearl Jam及Red Hot Chili Peppers一起进行短期美国巡演
    1992-1-10 在MTV如录相厅表演
    1992-1-11 在"Saturday Night Live"演出 "Nevermind"升到排行榜首位
    1992-1-? 在澳大利亚及日本发行名为"Hormoaning"的选集
    1992-1-24 NIRVANA开始全球巡演
    1992-2-? "Come As You Are"录相录制完成
    1992-2-24 Kurt Cobain同Courtney Love在夏威夷成婚
    1992-6-22 因为胃痛Kurt在贝尔法斯特虚脱
    1992-7-21 单曲"Lithium"同"Nevermind"歌词本一起发行
    1992-8-18 Kurt的女儿Francis Bean Cobain降生
    1992-8-30 NIRVANA在雷丁音乐节演出
    1992-9-? 在MTV台颁奖会上演出"Lithium" 获得两项大奖
    1992-11-? "In Bloom"的录相MTV台榜上名列前茅
    1992-12-15 "Incesticide"专辑发行
    1993-3-? "In Utero"在两周内录成
    1993-4-9 为波斯尼亚强奸受害者义演
    1993-5-? "Sliver"音乐录相在MTV台榜上夺冠
    1993-9-? 在MTV录相奖中夺得最佳非主流音乐录相奖
    1993-9-14 "In Utero"在英国发行
    1993-9-19 "Heart Shaped Box"音乐录相首次播出
    1993-9-21 经过一周拖延 "In Utero"在美国发行
    1993-9-25 第二次在"Saturday Night Live"演出
    1993-10-10 开始为宣传"In Utero"作巡演
    1993-11-18 为MTV台作"Unplugged"录音
    1993-12-12 "All Apologies"的录相在MTV台夺冠
    1993-12-16 "Unplugged"演出在MTV台播出
    1993-12-31 MTV台除夕特辑 NIRVANA担任主角
    1994-2-? NIRVANA开始欧洲巡演
    1994-2-29 在慕尼黑作乐队最后一场演出
    1994-3-4 Kurt在一次自杀未遂后住院
    1994-3-5 Kurt从昏迷中醒来 想吃冰淇淋
    1994-3-8 Kurt自己离开医院
    1994-4-1 Kurt逃离矫正中心
    1994-4-8 Kurt尸首被发现 据法医判断是于3天前自杀
    1994-4-10 Kurt的葬礼在西雅图举行 Courtney朗读遗书
    1994-11-1 "Unplugged in New York"在美国发行
    1996-10-8 "From the muddy banks of the Wishkah"在美国发行

 by Stephen Thomas Erlewine & Greg Prato
Prior to Nirvana, alternative music was consigned to specialty sections of record stores and major labels considered it to be, at the very most, a tax write-off. After the bands second album, 1991s Nevermind, nothing was ever quite the same, for better and for worse. Nirvana popularized punk, post-punk, and indie rock, unintentionally bringing it into the American mainstream like no other band before it. While its sound was equal parts Black Sabbath (as learned by fellow Washington underground rockers the Melvins) and Cheap Trick, Nirvanas aesthetics were strictly indie rock. They covered Vaselines songs, they revived new wave cuts by Devo, and leader Kurt Cobain relentlessly pushed his favorite bands — whether it was the art punk of the Raincoats or the country-fried hardcore of the Meat Puppets — as if his favorite records were always more important than his own music. While Nirvanas ideology was indie rock and melodies were pop, the sonic rush of their records and live shows merged the post-industrial white noise with heavy metal grind. And thats what made the group an unprecedented multi-platinum sensation. Janes Addiction and Soundgarden may have proven to the vast American heavy metal audience that alternative could rock, and the Pixies may have merged pop sensibilities with indie rock white noise, but Nirvana pulled at all together, creating a sound that was both fiery and melodic. Since Nirvana was rooted in the indie aesthetic, but loved pop music, they fought their stardom while courting it, becoming some of the most notorious anti-rock stars in history. The result was a conscious attempt to shed their audience with the abrasive In Utero, which only partially fulfilled the bands goal. But by that point, the fate of the band and Kurt Cobain had been sealed. Suffering from drug addiction and manic depression, Cobain had become destructive and suicidal, though his management and label were able to hide the extent of his problems from the public until April 8, 1994, when he was found dead of a self-inflicted shotgun wound. Cobain may not have been able to weather Nirvanas success, but the bands legacy stands as one of the most influential in rock & roll history.

Kurt Cobain (vocals, guitar) met Chris Novoselic (born Krist Novoselic) (bass) in 1985 in Aberdeen, WA, a small logging town 100 miles away from Seattle. While Novoselic came from a relatively stable background, Cobains childhood had been thrown into turmoil when his parents divorced when he was eight. Following the divorce, he lived at the homes of various relatives, developing a love for the Beatles and then heavy metal in the process. Eventually, American hardcore punk worked its way into dominating his listening habits and he met the Melvins, an Olympia-based underground heavy punk band. Cobain began playing in punk bands like Fecal Matter, often with the Melvins bassist Dale Crover. Through the Melvins leader Buzz Osborne, Cobain met Novoselic, who also had an intense interest in punk, which meant that he, like Cobain, felt alienated from the macho, redneck population of Aberdeen. The duo decided to form a band called the Stiff Woodies, with Cobain on drums, Novoselic on bass, and a rotating cast of guitarists and vocalists. The group went through name changes as quickly as guitarists, before deciding that Cobain would play guitar and sing. Renamed Skid Row, the new trio featured drummer Aaron Burkhart, who left the band by the end of 1986 and was replaced by Chad Channing. By 1987, the band was called Nirvana.

Nirvana began playing parties in Olympia, gaining a cult following. During 1987, the band made ten demos with producer Jack Endino, who played the recordings to Jonathan Poneman, one of the founders of the Seattle-based indie label Sub Pop. Poneman signed Nirvana, and in December of 1988, the band released their first single, a cover of Shocking Blues Love Buzz. Sub Pop orchestrated an effective marketing scheme, which painted the band as backwoods, logging-town hicks, which irritated Cobain and Novoselic. While Love Buzz was fairly well-received, the bands debut album, Bleach, was what began the ball rolling. Recorded for just over 600 dollars and released in the spring of 1989, Bleach slowly became a hit on college radio, due to the groups consistent touring. Though Jason Everman was credited as a second guitarist on the sleeve of Bleach, he didnt appear on the record; he only toured in support of the album before leaving the band at the end of the year to join Soundgarden and then Mindfunk. Bleach sold 35,000 copies and Nirvana became favorites of college radio, the British weekly music press, and Sonic Youth, Mudhoney, and Dinosaur Jr., which was enough to attract the attention of major labels.

During the summer, Nirvana released Sliver/Dive, which was recorded with Mudhoneys Dan Peters on drums and produced by Butch Vig. The band also made a six-song demo with Vig, which was shopped to major labels, who soon began competing to sign the group. By the end of the summer, Dave Grohl, formerly of the D.C.-based hardcore band Scream, had become Nirvanas drummer and the band signed with DGC for $287,000. Nirvana recorded their second album with Vig, completing the record in the summer. Following a European tour supporting Sonic Youth in the late summer, Nevermind was released in September, supported by a quick American tour. While DGC was expecting a moderately successful release, in the neighborhood of 100,000 copies, Nevermind immediately became a smash hit, quickly selling out its initial shipment of 50,000 copies and creating a shortage across America. What helped the record become a success was Smells Like Teen Spirit, a blistering four-chord rocker that was accompanied by a video that shot into heavy MTV rotation. By the beginning of 1992, Smells Like Teen Spirit had climbed into the American Top Ten and Nevermind bumped Michael Jacksons much-touted comeback album Dangerous off the top of the album charts; it reached the British Top Ten shortly afterward. By February, the album had been certified triple plat


Pen Cap Chew KAOS FM Radio

艺人: Nirvana   专辑: Classic Airwaves: The Best Of Nirvana Broadcasting Live   吉他谱: 0   求谱: 1   拨片: 42   发 谱 求 谱

Come As You Are

艺人: Nirvana   专辑: Nevermind   吉他谱: 15   求谱: 3   拨片: 25   发 谱 求 谱

Jesus Doesn't Want Me For A Sunbeam

艺人: Nirvana   专辑: Dressed For Success   吉他谱: 7   求谱: 1   拨片: 19   发 谱 求 谱

Where Did You Sleep Last Night? (Live)

艺人: Nirvana   专辑: MTV Unplugged in New York   吉他谱: 2   求谱: 1   拨片: 10   发 谱 求 谱


艺人: Nirvana   专辑: Bleach   吉他谱: 2   求谱: 1   拨片: 10   发 谱 求 谱

About a Girl

艺人: Nirvana   专辑: Bleach   吉他谱: 7   求谱: 1   拨片: 10   发 谱 求 谱


艺人: Nirvana   专辑: Nevermind   吉他谱: 13   求谱: 1   拨片: 10   发 谱 求 谱

Immodium (Breed) (Smart Sessions)

艺人: Nirvana   专辑: Nevermind   吉他谱: 0   求谱: 1   拨片: 5   发 谱 求 谱


专辑: With The Lights Out - Box Set   吉他谱: 0   求谱: 1   拨片: 5   发 谱 求 谱