成员:Cale Braun
Adam Taylor
Evan Hofmann
Justin Tornberg
Curtis Rockhold
Standby Red 5 make energetic, pop-inflected post-rock music that seems to find inspiration from the repetition-based subgenre which bands like The Mercury Program and Foxhole call home. And damn, do they do it well. The tracks are tight, well-written, and do not overextend themselves. The band manages to attain a sort of post-rock nirvana on And I Will Move the Earth, leaping, bounding, and dancing through its short running time. The band is not content to brood over its compositions, instead allowing them to live to the fullest and die before weakness and complacency overtake them. This is a marked strength of the release – nowhere does it slow down, nowhere does it sit back and rest on its laurels. Standby Red 5 is always quick to move boldly forward before any weakness, any lapse occurs – bringing us a release that is as solid as it is playful and energetic.
The aforementioned short running time is what holds And I Will Move the Earth back, however. The band has chosen the admirable path of only releasing their best material (I assume), but it's quite difficult to make a lasting impression with a sixteen-minute release. Even if the material itself is not ephemeral (which it most certainly is not), it is difficult for the listener to avoid thinking of it in such a way – there's just not enough meat there to sink your teeth into. Once again, this doesn't mean that the album's organization or the composition of the tracks is poor, but rather that I always finish a listen through the release with a desire for some more of the band's music – never a bad desire to inspire. Another track or so would have done wonders for the release's staying power in the eyes of the public.
It seems best to treat And I Will Move the Earth like Caspian's excellent “Holy Trinity” - it is something to put on when you need an incredibly well-composed, energetic boost that does not require too much of a time investment. We all have a need for such releases, I think, and it would be difficult to find one as good as this effort from Standby Red 5. Caspian's trinity became enshrined as a top release because it was paired with tracks that, while never reaching the same heights, did not drag the EP down, and so was able to stay in the minds of overloaded listeners. Fortunately, Standby Red 5 has another release set to explode upon the scene later this year. If the band does not give up on its diligent methods of quality control, nor tis infectious songwriting, then they will certainly not be forgotten, and we will have a beast of a recording on our hands. Until then, I'll just keep spinning And I Will Move the Earth until the melodica gets burned into my brain.