Greens And Blues

Greens And Blues的吉他谱

Greens And Blues
音楽は気が狂 4107 0

Greens And Blues的歌词

I'm not together, and you know it's true
My bits are wanted in dreams.
And if I ever seem a little strange,
Would you excuse me please?

I said I’m human, but you know I lie.
I'm only visiting this shore.
I'll soon be leaving in the outbound tide
I pray again we will meet.

I’m wasting your time, just talking to you
Maybe best you go on home.
I'll leave you alone, fade from your mind,
Slip into the greens and blues.

I said I'm human, but you know I lied.
I'm only visiting this shore.
I'll soon be leaving in the outbound tide.
I pray again we will meet.

I’m wasting your time, just talking to you
Maybe best you go on home.
I'll leave you alone, fade from your mind
Slip into the greens and blues.

Greens and Blues…

I’m wasting your time, just talking to you,
Maybe best you go on home.
I'll leave you alone, fade from your mind,
Slip into the greens and blues.

I’m wasting your time, just talking to you,
Maybe best you go on home.
I'll leave you alone, fade from your mind,
Slip into the greens and blues.


Finn 2015-11-23 | 悬赏中 拨片:10 回复