Petite Machine

Petite Machine的吉他谱

Petite Machine
专治丶不服丿 1845 0

Petite Machine的歌词

Petite Machine - Kashmir
I could sink to the bottom of you
with a stone on a chain
without breathing in
I could tell you and tell you again
that there is only one
though many have been
lie down
fall in
pass out
while I'm wide awake
with the lights out
you're in safe hands
of that one man
who can fix his petite machine
you're not lonely in seconds of doubt
and the doubt is in me
next to sheer certainty
back and forth as it always has been
and ever will be
as long as we're not in between
lie down
fall in
pass ut
while I'm wide awake
with the lights out
you're in safe hands
of that one man
who can fix his petite machine