Into Hiding的吉他谱

Into Hiding
彭家阿玖 1818 0
GTP谱 总谱
Into Hiding
winight 1409 0
GTP谱 总谱
Into Hiding
winight 1403 0
GTP谱 总谱
Into Hiding
winight 1184 0

Into Hiding的歌词

(Lyrics: trad., Music: Holopainen, Laine)
The islander slips into hiding
And takes to his heels
Out of dark Northland
The murky house of Sara
He whirled out of doors as snow
Arrives as smoke in the yard
To flee from bad deeds
There he had to become someone else
He must change his shape
As an eagle he swept up
Wanted to soar heavenward
The sun burnt his cheeks
The moon lit his brows