At the Cross

At the Cross的吉他谱


At the Cross的歌词

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{\author Xiaonan Mei}}\margl1440\margr1440\vieww18000\viewh15120\viewkind0

\f0\b\fs24 \cf0 At The Cross lyrics\

\f1\b0 \
Oh Lord You've searched me \
You know my way \
Even when I fail You \
I know You love me \
Your holy presence \
Surrounding me \
In every season \
I know You love me \
I know You love me \
At the cross I bow my knee \
Where Your blood was shed for me \
There's no greater love than this \
You have overcome the grave \
Your glory fills the highest place \
What can separate me now\
You go before me \
You shield my way \
Your hand upholds me \
I know You love me\
At the cross I bow my knee \
Where Your blood was shed for me \
There's no greater love than this \
You have overcome the grave \
Your glory fills the highest place \
What can separate me now\
At the cross I bow my knee \
Where Your blood was shed for me \
There's no greater love than this, oh`\
You have overcome the grave \
Your glory fills the highest place \
What can separate me now\
You tore the veil \
You made a way \
When You said that it is done\
You tore the veil \
You made a way \
When You said that it is done\
And when the earth fades \
Falls from my eyes \
And You stand before me \
I know You love me \
I know You love me\
At the cross I bow my knee \
Where Your blood was shed for me \
There's no greater love than this \
You have overcome the grave \
Your glory fills the highest place \
What can separate me now\
At the cross I bow my knee \
Where Your blood was shed for me \
There's no greater love than this \
You have overcome the grave \
Your glory fills the highest place \
What can separate me now\
You tore the veil \
You made a way \
When You said that it is done\
You tore the veil \
You made a way \
When You said that it is done\
You tore the veil \
You made a way \
When You said that it is done\
You tore the veil \
You made a way \
When You said that it is done\