Apuellos Ojos Verdes的吉他谱


Apuellos Ojos Verdes的歌词

Aquellos ojos verdes
de mirada serena
dejaron en mi alma
eterna sed de amar.

Anhelos de caricias
de besos y ternuras
de todas las dulzuras
que sabían brindar.

Aquellos ojos verdes
serenos como un lago
en cuyas quietas aguas
un día me miré.

No saben las tristezas
que en mi alma han dejado
aquellos ojos verdes
que ya nunca besaré.


Your green eyes with their soft light
Your eyes that promise sweet nights
Bring to my soul a longing
A thirst for love divine

In dreams I seemed to hold you
To find you and enfold you
Our lips met and our hearts too
With a thrill so sublime

Those cool and limpid green eyes
A pool wherein my love lies
So deep that in my searching for happiness
I fear that they will ever haunt me
All though my life they'll taunt me
But will they ever want me?

Green Eyes
make my dreams come true!!

Soft lights
And eyes that promise sweet nights
Bring to my soul a longing
A thirst for love divine

In dreams I seemed to hold you
To find you and enfold you
Our lips met and our hearts too
With a thrill so sublime

Those cool and limpid green eyes
A pool wherein my love lies
So deep that in my searching for happiness
I fear that they will ever haunt me
All though my life they'll taunt me
But will they ever want me?