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Think (Think)
Think (Think)
Think (Think)
Think (Think)
You used to (think)
Think' (think)
Think about (think)

You better think (think)
Think about what your tryin' to do to me yeah
Think (think think) let your mind go let yourself be free

Lets go back , lets go way back
When I didn't even know ya
ya couldn't of been much more than ten,
(Just a child)

I ain't no Psychiatrist,
I ain't no doctor with degrees,
It don't take to much high I.Q.,
To see what you doin' o me,

You better think, (think)
Think about what your tryin' to do to me ow ow ow
Think (think think) let your mind go let yourself be free,

Ow freedom (freedom)
Freedom (freedom)
Freedom, yeah freedom, right now
Freedom (freedom) freedom (freedom) freedom, ow freedom,

Hey, Think about, you, think about,
I ain't the all good as I could answer you at all,
(I was),

But I was Gonna change ma mind if you keep doin' things I don't

Hey!, think,
Think about what your tryin' to do to me (was your)
Baby think, let your mind go let yourself be free

People walk around every day playin' games and takin' scores
Tryin' to make other people loose their mind ow
But Catholics don't do chores,

Hey!, think , (think)
Think about what you tryin' to do to me yeah yeah yeah (think think)
Let your mind go let yourself be free,

You need me and I need you 'cause with out each other ain't nothin' either can do,

yeah, think about it baby
(what your tryin' to do to me) to the bone now
think about it right now

ow freedom (freedom)
freedom (freedom)
freedom, yeah freedom
freedom (freedom) freedom, (freedom), freedom, freedom, right now,

Hey!, you, think about it,

I ain't the all good as I could answer you at all, but I was gonna change ma mind if you keep doin' things I don't,

Hey!, think, think about what your tryin' to do to me (was your) baby think let your mind go let yourself be free,

You need me and I need you 'cause with out each other ain't nothin' either can do,

Yeah think about it baby (what your tryin' to do to me) to the bone now , think about it baby,

Yeah, right now, this evenin', baby!,yeah, good evein', right now, yeah , yeah, yeah,baby! yeah think about it , you gotta promise , this evenin' ,

don't you give me that blues brother hey,
(you had better stop and think about it)