飞驰过 尸骨连骸的阴霾重重
踏寒雪 满天散落的冰刀水刃
胯下马 钢蹄铁锁无坚不摧
掌中刃 划破苍穹斩尽骄邪
Galloping through the plain where dead bodies tower up
Dancing in the air are blades of ice and snow
Iron heel crushes stones into pieces
Unbreakable sword tears up all the unfaithful
观素原 狼群奔过群丛舞动
望天际 雄鹰驰骋快似钢箭
歌川河 千涛翻滚浪吞沙石
啸山岩 万谷传音音镇乾坤
Watch the plain where wolves dance like ghosts
See through the clouds where eagles soar like arrows
Sing for the thousand rivers as sand and stone rolls with the dragons
Chant for the vast mountains as echo flies into the distance
踏寒雪 满天散落的冰刀水刃
胯下马 钢蹄铁锁无坚不摧
掌中刃 划破苍穹斩尽骄邪
Galloping through the plain where dead bodies tower up
Dancing in the air are blades of ice and snow
Iron heel crushes stones into pieces
Unbreakable sword tears up all the unfaithful
观素原 狼群奔过群丛舞动
望天际 雄鹰驰骋快似钢箭
歌川河 千涛翻滚浪吞沙石
啸山岩 万谷传音音镇乾坤
Watch the plain where wolves dance like ghosts
See through the clouds where eagles soar like arrows
Sing for the thousand rivers as sand and stone rolls with the dragons
Chant for the vast mountains as echo flies into the distance